Delta-V and ISP are used to calculate the fuel fraction needed to get someplace using the chart in the above link. In the case of going from LEO to LLO the fuel fraction is around 55% if you use a high performance LH2 engine. That means that whatever your craft weighs, it must be 55% useable fuel by mass.<br /><br />There are some slightly lower engergy paths that can be used, and higher performance electrical engines, but both take considerably longer to get to the moon - requiring more supplies and radiation shielding which negates any fuel savings. Cargo could go that route, and likely will at some point when a SEP tug is developed. I asked Dr. Stanley about this and he said such a tug was too high a schedule risk and too expensive to develop initially, though it would be attractive in the long term. That's a project that would be good to dole out to an international partner like russia or ESA. Russia pioneered SEP.<br /><br />The high fuel fractions required to get to the moon, to the lunar surface, back off the moon, and back to earth require that propulsion stages be expendible and the returning craft be minimalist until such a time as we can refuel along the way by some means. That could involve in-situ fuel on the lunar surface and fuel that is carried around the earth-moon area by SEP tugs that are highly efficient but painfully slow. Unfortunately, we can't produce in-situ fuel until we send some missions to the moon to find a likely source and then a bunch of equipment (outpost stage) to extract it. That's as far as ESAS goes at this point. Once at the outpost stage, many upgrades are possible. <br /><br /><br /><br />X-33 was cancelled because it was over-budget and having technical problems. Also at the same time the launch market that venturestart was intended to serve imploded with the tech collapse. With the program overbudget, and no customers on the horizon, the program was doomed. The current state of affairs is that the EELV rockets cost al