marcel_leonard: <br />Look anything is possible and as far as I’m concerned a fifthteen minute flight approaching LEO, MEO, and GEO is possible. <br /><br />Me: <br />I'm listing the acronyms for orbits as I recall them and to ensure we are on the same page as to orbits. <br /><br />LEO = Low Earth Orbit <br />The most common description acronym of orbits ranging from 150 to 300 or so miles above Earth. <br /><br />MEO = Medium Earth Orbit, rarely have I ever heard this term used but nonetheless, its between LEO and GEO. <br /><br />GEO = GEosynchronous Orbit <br />An orbit in which spacecraft are at an altitude of 22,300 miles and their orbital velocity matches whatever Earth position they may be above so as to make it appear they are stationary. <br /><br />15 minutes to GEO is not possible with todays technology if you intend to put something in orbit there. If your simply rocketing past GEO, that will require nearly an hour at 24,500 mph and you would have to be going that fast to escape Earths gravity. <br /><br />Going to GEO involves a burn at LEO to in effect, allow you to assume a transfer orbit thats high end intersects GEO. <br /><br />Now, LEO is accessible within 15 minutes for shuttle and other spacecraft lofted to that orbit. The key requirement is achieving a velocity of around 17,500 mph. This however does not mean your 15 minutes from a destination at LEO such as ISS. Shuttle and Soyuz generally take two days to rendezveous with ISS, this due to the limitations of chemical propulsion systems and the laws of physics governing spacecraft in orbit. GEO altitude is too far for any craft to reach in 15 minutes, this also due to orbital mechanics/laws of physics as mentioned above. <br /><br />marcel_leonard: <br />Since there is no air once you leave the atmosphere; therefore you have no propellant. <br /><br />Me: <br />There is no oxidizer in the form of atmospheric oxygen. Jets and scramjets require atmospheric oxygen to operate. An aerospike engine is normally associated w <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><strong>My borrowed quote for the time being:</strong></p><p><em>There are three kinds of people in life. Those who make it happen, those who watch it happen...and those who do not know what happened.</em></p> </div>