V: The Second Generation (2008)

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<b>V: The Second Generation</b> (2008) <br /><br /><b>Format:</b> Miniseries; two 2-hour segments airing Oct. 1, 2008<br /><br /><b>Novelization:</b> Oct, 2007<br /><br /><b>Network:</b> NBC<br /><br /><b>Director/Writer:</b> Kenneth Johnson (Alien Nation, V, Incredible Hulk, 6 Million Dollar Man)<br /><br /><b>Synopsis:</b> Twenty years after their arrival on Earth, the Visitors have deeply entrenched themselves on the planet, enslaving the human race turning them into followers. The Resistance is losing the war with their alien masters until they gain a powerful and mysterious new ally....Or have they? <br /><br /><b>Diana:</b> Jane Badler (original cast)<br /><br /><b>Dr. Juliet Parrish:</b> Faye Grant (original cast)<br /><br /><b>Mike Donovan:</b> Marc Singer (original cast)<br /><br /><b>Willie:</b> Robert Englund (original cast)<br /><br /><b>Trivia:</b> Originally Kenneth Johnson's screenplay had a running time of three hours, which after review NBC permitted him to expand to a two-night, four-hour miniseries.<br /><br /><img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


I remember the original. I had to go to bed as a kid and didn't get to see the whole show.


You can get the basic info from the freebie version of the IMDB (Internet Movie Data Base), a subsidiary of Amazon.com;<br /><br />http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0366112/<br /><br />but the IMDB Pro and other industry sites have <i>all</i> the production details. Can't link you to those 'cause they're definitely <i>not</i> freebies. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


Whoo hoo!! <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#0000ff"><strong>Just tell the truth and let the chips fall...</strong></font> </div>


I've seen this post for a few days now, and just decided to respond when I saw a post in another thread. I remember V:, it was on some time back, and I was able to record the whole thing.<br /><br />The other poster said they were after our water, but that was a ruse to gather a new source of meat for their food supply. That was how Marc Singer lost his ex-wife and son, and what really caused him to act and search for them.<br /><br />But I thot we won that war with the "red dust" that the Vistors could not stand and killed them. And that was what led me to wonder about the occupying forces of them. I would have thot they would have gone thru the human race as their main course by now.


No, the ruse was that they wanted our industrial waste, if I remember correctly. Fresh water was the hidden agenda, and meat was just a nice side dish.<br /><br />It really was the stupidest SciFi ever on TV. Come after our water. They have the power to fly between the stars, but they need our water. Right.<br /><br />So, what will they be after this time? Do they need all of our hydrogen? Have they run out? It's only the most plentiful element in the universe. Better take it from Earth than scoop the atmosphere of the nearest gas giant. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><strong><font color="#ff0000">Vote </font><font color="#3366ff">Libertarian</font></strong></p> </div>


All I can remember about the original 'V' was that it started a new trend in visor-like sunglasses. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


A lot of those alien conspiracy theorists think that members of the Bush family and the House of Windsor are actually reptilian aliens. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" />


They are going to bypass V The Final Battle and the TV Show..


They are rendering them non-canon. Basically those episodes resolved the alien invasion, which nullifies the proposed new story line. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


<They are rendering them non-canon. Basically those episodes resolved the alien invasion, which nullifies the proposed new story line.><br /><br />meh<br /><br />Nullifying the second movie mini-series is why I expect this new movie mini-series will be even worse than the short lived TV series.


Everyone here who has commented on the orginial 2 mini series and tv series, has had some things correct, and some things wrong.<br /><br />I would like to correct this.<br /><br />The reptilian aliens came from the star system Sirius, and are only refered to as "Visitors" on the mini series and the tv series.<br /><br />The ruse of them coming for our industrial waste is incorrect. All that was said in the movie (part 1 of "V"), was that they needed a chemical that only could be produced on earth (There was no mention of industrial waste anywhere in either mini series or the tv series). In exchange for this chemical, they would provide the people of earth all the fruits of there knowledge.<br /><br />There was two parts to their true agenda, and one part of the agenda has two purposes.<br /><br />1) They needed the water, which was stated on the second part of "V". The water was used for their anti gravity technology of their ships, and to power their weapons. Most planets, including the visitors home planet don't have the abundance of water that earth has (which is why they choose earth).<br /><br />2) The second part to their agenda, had two purposes. Also when the people were abducted, they were put in a sort of suspended animation to keep them alive.<br /><br />a) They wanted the people for food, because their planet was short on this aswell as water. Since reptiles only eat live or freshly killed food, they had to keep the people alive.<br /><br />b) They also wanted the people for soldiers to fight the "Leader's" enemy (The Leader was the ruler of the visitors, he was only refered to the Leader, and was never refered by name). Again they needed the people alive for this reason aswell.<br /><br />some additional info for those that care.....<br />There was 2 mini series and 1 tv series<br />First mini-series was 2 2-hour episodes. The movie was called "V", it was left hanging after they send a signal into deep space to try and contact the Leader's Enemy.<br /><br />Second mini-seri


"...and this is your new partner, Sam Francisco."<br /><br />"Sam Francisco? Oh, get the hell out!"<br /><br /><img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><em>Differential Diagnosis:  </em>"<strong><em>I am both amused and annoyed that you think I should be less stubborn than you are</em></strong>."<br /> </p> </div>


Wow. Some hard core fans. I thought this show was almost as cheesy as Earth2.<br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <em>"2012.. Year of the Dragon!! Get on the Dragon Wagon!".</em> </div>


I guess that would depend on your tastes in shows, or is it just that hind sight is better the second time around. I recorded the mini series of "V" some time back just because it did bring back some good memories. But I do not think I would even entertain the same thot.s bout Earth 2.<br /><br />Yevaud,<br />While I am here, I liked the Sam Francisco line. But I think I did enjoy the series character Sikes better then I did James Caan in the same role from the movie, which I cannot the name of. <br /><br />


By todays standards, it was cheesy. So much has been invented since then that it shows some clumsy innovation.


V - The Series lasted only one season, not two (1984 into 1985). NBC pressured the writers into a weekly series instead of mini series every four to six months, which detracted from the show considerably. The first few episodes of the TV series were in league with the previous mini series.<br /><br />The first V mini series was written to parallel Nazi Germany during the time when the Jews were rounded up.<br /><br />Rob
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