Variable Speed of Light Sends LIGO Fakers to Jail

Dec 27, 2022
Professor Sidney Redner

"The Doppler effect is the shift in frequency of a wave that occurs when the wave source, or the detector of the wave, is moving. Applications of the Doppler effect range from medical tests using ultrasound to radar detectors and astronomy (with electromagnetic waves)...A Moving Observer. We will focus on sound waves in describing the Doppler effect, but it works for other waves too...Let's say you, the observer, now move toward the source with velocity Vo. You encounter more waves per unit time than you did before. Relative to you, the waves travel at a higher speed: V' = V+Vo. The frequency of the waves you detect is higher, and is given by: f' = V'/λ = (V+Vo)/λ."

The text

"Relative to you, the waves travel at a higher speed: V' = V+Vo."

sends LIGO fakers directly to jail. If the speed of light is variable, spacetime and gravitational waves (ripples in spacetime) do not exist and LIGO's "discoveries" are just fakes:

"Special relativity is based on the observation that the speed of light is always the same, independently of who measures it, or how fast the source of the light is moving with respect to the observer. Einstein demonstrated that as an immediate consequence, space and time can no longer be independent, but should rather be considered a new joint entity called "spacetime."

Professor Sidney Redner could have saved LIGO fakers by adding that the statement

"Relative to you, the waves travel at a higher speed: V' = V+Vo."

is universally valid but not for light, and replacing it, for Doppler effect in light, with

"Relative to you, the waves gloriously travel at a constant speed: V' = V. "
Dec 27, 2022
The formula

(frequency) = (speed of light)/(wavelength)

says that, if the speed of light is constant as per Einstein, then ANY frequency shift entails (is caused by) an inversely proportional wavelength shift.

There are frequency shifts without accompanying wavelength shifts (more precisely, the wavelength of light is invariable, but this is another story), so the speed of light is not constant and LIGO fakers will have to go to jail:

Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics: "You can see for yourself that, once more, there is a blue-shift - the pulse frequency measured at the receiver is somewhat higher than the frequency with which the pulses are sent out. This time, THE DISTANCES BETWEEN SUBSEQUENT PULSES ARE NOT AFFECTED, but still there is a frequency shift."

"Thus, the moving observer sees a wave possessing the same wavelength...but a different that seen by the stationary observer."

"The wavelength is staying the same in this [moving observer] case."

"Vo is the velocity of an observer moving towards the source. This velocity is independent of the motion of the source. Hence, the velocity of waves relative to the observer is c + Vo...The motion of an observer does not alter the wavelength. The increase in frequency is a result of the observer encountering more wavelengths in a given time."
Dec 27, 2022
"We've known for decades that space-time is doomed," says Arkani-Hamed. "We know it is not there in the next version of physics."

But the ripples in space-time (LIGO's gravitational waves) will be there, like the grin of the Cheshire Cat (otherwise LIGO fakers will have to go to jail):


"Einstein introduced a new notion of time, more radical than even he at first realized. In fact, the view of time that Einstein adopted was first articulated by his onetime math teacher in a famous lecture delivered one century ago. That lecture, by the German mathematician Hermann Minkowski, established a new arena for the presentation of physics, a new vision of the nature of reality redefining the mathematics of existence. The lecture was titled Space and Time, and it introduced to the world the marriage of the two, now known as spacetime. It was a good marriage, but lately physicists passion for spacetime has begun to diminish. And some are starting to whisper about possible grounds for divorce."

"Was Einstein wrong? Do we have to kill off the theory of space and time to make sense of the universe?"

"Bye bye space-time: is it time to free physics from Einstein's legacy?"

"Rethinking Einstein: The end of space-time...Horava, who is at the University of California, Berkeley, wants to rip this fabric apart and set time and space free from one another..."

What scientific idea is ready for retirement? Steve Giddings: "Spacetime. Physics has always been regarded as playing out on an underlying stage of space and time. Special relativity joined these into spacetime...The apparent need to retire classical spacetime as a fundamental concept is profound..."

Nima Arkani-Hamed: "Almost all of us believe that spacetime doesn't really exist, spacetime is doomed and has to be replaced."
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