<br />Old data, these reports tend to get posted a week or two behind. But, now that I got your attention, please note Voyager is alive and well... they switched to the backup thruster branch.<br /><br /><br /><br />Voyager Mission Operations Status Report # 2004-05-07, Week Ending May 7, 2004<br /><br />Command Transmission & Verification Operations<br /><br />Voyager 1 command operations consisted of the uplink of a command loss timer reset on 05/03 [DOY 124/2325z] and a Plumbing swap to Roll Thruster Branch 2 on 05/04 [DOY 125]. The spacecraft received all command sent and the swap to the backup thruster branch was successful.<br /><br />Voyager 2 command operations consisted of the uplink of seven bracketed command loss timer resets sent on five-minute centers using 0.5 Hz steps on 05/06 [DOY 127/1752z]. The spacecraft received four of the seven commands sent<br /><br />Sequence Generation Operations<br /><br />Continue sequence development of CCSL B124.<br /><br />Data Return Operations<br /><br />Voyager 1 Data Processing and Operations:<br /><br />There were 109.9 hours of DSN scheduled support for Voyager 1 of which 45.3 hours were large aperture coverage. There was one schedule change made on 05/05 [DOY 126] when 5.6 hours of DSS-45 support was added from DSN maintenance to support the confirmation of the spacecraft swap to Roll Thruster Branch 2. The total actual support for the period was 115.5 hours of which 45.3 hours were large aperture coverage<br /><br />There were two significant outages. The first outage of 3.1 hours duration occurred on 05/02 [DOY 123] and was caused by rain at DSS-65 [DR M102459]. The second outage of 0.8 hours occurred on 05/04 [DOY 125]and resulted from bringing the DSS-14 antenna to stow for repair of the uplink transmitter [DR G104359].<br /><br />Science instrument performance was nominal for all activities during this period. One frame of GS-4 data was recorded this week. A second frame of GS-4 data was recorded on day 122. The EDR ba