Some more interesting papers on abiotic formatin of methane:<br /><br /><b>Photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide by silicate rock sands under sunlight irradiation.</b> Ohta, Kiyohisa; Kawamura, Takuya; Kuroda, Shigehiro; Mizuno, Takayuki. Dep. Chem. Mater., Mie Univ., Mie, Japan. Proceedings - Electrochemical Society (1993), 93-18(Proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Aspects of Electrochemistry and Photoelectrochemistry, 1993), 85-94. CODEN: PESODO ISSN: 0161-6374. Journal written in English. CAN 120:65681 AN 1994:65681 CAPLUS <br /><br />Abstract<br /><br />The photocatalytic redn. of carbon dioxide by silicate rock sands under sunlight irradn. has been reported. By the photochem. redn. of carbon dioxide and water on andesite sands, hydrogen and methane were produced at ambient temp. and atm. pressure. The yields of methane and hydrogen were 14 and 16 mmol per 5 g of andesite for about 260 h sunlight irradn., resp. Consequently, it was proved that in the nature world, in addn. to biol. productions, hydrogen and methane were produced from carbon dioxide by the redn. over wetting-silicate rocks illuminated. <br /><br />+++++++++++++++<br /><br /><b>Abiotic synthesis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on Mars. </b> Zolotov, Mikhail; Shock, Everett. Group Exploring Organic Processes in Geochemistry (GEOPIG), Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA. Journal of Geophysical Research, [Planets] (1999), 104(E6), 14033-14049. CODEN: JGPLEH ISSN: 0148-0227. Journal written in English. CAN 131:216784 AN 1999:443783 CAPLUS <br /><br />Abstract<br /><br />Thermochem. calcns. of metastable equil. are used to evaluate the stability of condensed polycyclic arom. hydrocarbons (PAHs) in cooling thermal gases and hydrothermal fluids on ancient Mars, which are roughly similar to their terrestrial counterparts. The effects of temp., pressure, the extent of PAH alkylation, and t <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature" align="center"><em><font color="#0000ff">- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -</font></em> </div><div class="Discussion_UserSignature" align="center"><font color="#0000ff"><em>I really, really, really miss the "first unread post" function.</em></font> </div> </div>