True I had forgotten about the ability to throttle back the RS68, sorry about that, I retired in the year 2000.<br /><br />If they are going to use that many SSME's the only teo options that I can see are: (1) As the shuttle itself would have been retired by then, they are going to use SSME's that have already been used, thus the cost of replacing them would be far less than new engines. Or, there was a program to de man rate new SSME's and use other methods to bring the costs of such new SSME's way down. Perhaps NASA would start with used engines then switch to such new inexpensive SSME's when the supply of older used SSME's runs out. Wow six SSME's at once, that would be about 3 million pounds of thrust alone. or a little bit less than twice the thrust of the current Delta IV Heavy! If they use the SRB's also, they are getting up toward the thrust levels of the original Saturn V! 6 million lbs for the new config vs. 7.5 million for the Saturn V. Depending on what the upper stage thrust is like they could even come very close to the Saturn V abilities. That would be a VERY large and powerfull vehicle!!