Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>Venus. <br />Posted by cosmictraveler</DIV><br /><br />If it's in the eastern sky, that is not correct. Venus (Mag -4.5) is setting in the western sky after sunset; clearly the brightest object currently in the night sky. But it is in the west. A key question is what time are you asking about. Sirius (the second brightest object in the nighttime sky currently mag -1.4) rises in the east about sunset (depending on exactly where you are) so if it's in the east, that would be the more likely suspect. It's due south around 10 PM. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#000080"><em><font color="#000000">But the Krell forgot one thing John. Monsters. Monsters from the Id.</font></em> </font></p><p><font color="#000080">I really, really, really, really miss the "first unread post" function</font><font color="#000080"> </font></p> </div>