What is the big rip, and can we stop it?

You know it's click bait when the headline says "can we stop it?"

The whole "inflation" theory has so many inconsistencies that I have my doubts about our basic understanding of our astronomy observations.

For instance, if inflation is a scale factor for space, then why are we not seeing something like the wavelengths of photons emitted by atomic transitions still "fitting" those atoms after some amount of inflation? Instead, we are seeing what we ascribe to electron orbit transitions in hydrogen getting stretched into microwave dimensions. Why haven't the atoms stretched along with their emitted photons? Even the components of atoms must have stretched at some point if we believe the Big Bang Theory's inflation concept, because the whole universe is theorized to have been only as big as an atom is today, just after the Big Bang. It looks to me like the theorists want to "have it both ways", stretching some things to match observations while not stretching other things to match other observations.
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You know it's click bait when the headline says "can we stop it?"

The whole "inflation" theory has so many inconsistencies that I have my doubts about our basic understanding of our astronomy observations.

For instance, if inflation is a scale factor for space, then why are we not seeing something like the wavelengths of photons emitted by atomic transitions still "fitting" those atoms after some amount of inflation? Instead, we are seeing what we ascribe to electron orbit transitions in hydrogen getting stretched into microwave dimensions. Why haven't the atoms stretched along with their emitted photons? Even the components of atoms must have stretched at some point if we believe the Big Bang Theory's inflation concept, because the whole universe is theorized to have been only as big as an atom is today, just after the Big Bang. It looks to me like the theorists want to "have it both ways", stretching some things to match observations while not stretching other things to match other observations.
Right on. The atoms do not stretch, so why think the photons do? The Doppler effect is a sufficient explanation for the redshift due to expansion. Another big question is: why is motion due to The Expansion exempt from relativity? It's a fundamental unspoken assumption in this article.

Unclear Engineer, you have stimulated me into doing a write-up on this. Seems like a good reason to put off mowing. :)
If Doppler is the only explanation of shift, then the outer galaxies are moving at multiple c velocities.

Are you satisfied with that result? So mass can move much faster than c? Isn't that against the laws of physics?

That shift is a measurement that should not be. An impossible measurement.

Is it that easy to disregard a pillar of science?

It tells me that something is FUNDAMENTALLY wrong with our theories. OR with our measurement.


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