لI have formulated the theory but all I have to do is look for a scientific journal to publish the theory with scientific and geological evidence that proves the theory is correct. I want to clarify that the lunar seas are the geological trace that proves the existence of a geological relationship between the Earth and the Moon through a collision between the Earth and the Moon that resulted in the Earth gaining a crust from the surface of the nearby Moon. This crust was the reason for the existence of the lunar seas and the continents of the Earth, and this explains the reason for the decrease in the thickness of the crust of the near side of the Moon, and also the reason for the increase in the thickness of the crust of the Earth’s continents compared to the thickness of the crust of the ocean floor. It also explains why there is a difference in the properties between the continental crust and the oceanic crust, the geophysical and chemical properties, and also explains why the properties between the continental crust and the crust of the near side of the moon are identical. For example, the oxygen isotopes match between the crust of the continents and the moon, and what confirms this is that it has been shown that the moon is older than previously believed. The theory I have arrived at will be a scientific and geological explanation for a number of scientific questions that have baffled scientists and are still being researched and studied to this day without a scientific explanation.
There was never a collision between the Earth and the Moon, the mass of the upper crust of Earth, above the Mantle, is around 3 million times less massive than that the Moon.
The commonality between the Moon and the Earth is indeed a mystery, it is why they developed the Giant Impact Theory (GIT), however, as I have already posted, there is now evidence to demonstrate the Moon is at least as old as Earth itself, largely disproving the GIT (Thankfully) and explaining a lot of mysteries. We also now now that whilst the lunar regolith is the driest material we know of, so assumptions were made years ago about the water content of the Moon, another part of the GIT, this has now also been disproven, the
Moon contains as much water as the Oceans on Earth, just buried deep in hydrated minerals or within crystals within its structure, as we now know the
Earth does - the estimates are now that the Moon is around 5.6% water by mass, this definitively rules out the GIT or any impact between the Moon and any body large enough to cause a global melt.
Two bodies the size of Earth and Moon could not approach each other without one of them being totally disrupted by the gravity of the other, as the Earth is 81.3 times the mass of the Moon, as soon as the Moon entered Earth's
Roche Limit, the
Moon would undergo gravitational disruption and be pulled apart as the surface nearest Earth would undergo gravitational forces much more powerful that the furthest surface, this would be fatal for the Moon.
Unlike the Moon, your idea does not hold water.