<span method="POST" action="/dopoll.php"></span> <br /><br />The defintions above(apart from the <b>4.</b> option) are in addition to:<br /><br />A planet has to(alternatively)orbit a star(s); and (not alternatively) not be a satellite of another planet.<br /><br />If you think that planets are still planets if they are not orbiting a star or any other object(i.e “floating” in interstellar space); but that moons are not planets, then vote for either <b>1</b>, <b>2</b>, <b>3</b> or <b>5</b>.<br /><br />If your defnition is missing; vote <b>other</b> and explain what it is like, if that`s the case<br /><br />If you only partially agreee with a definition, please vote for it and explain below why/how you disagree with it.<br /><br />This is thread is about <i>major</i> planets. <br /><br />-------<br /><br />Lots of threads have been on this subject, but not a poll(there was one about how many planets there were in the solar system, but <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>