We didn't do duck and cover drills in my elementary school, they called them "tornado drills" instead. Watched some of the other space coverage from one of my Cub Scout friends' basement TV room. Their bomb shelter was enclosed off to the side, had food and provisions and stuff. His dad was an Air Force Reserve pilot and was convinced Russia was fixing to drop nukes on the midwest to destroy our corn crops and starve the world. He had these 16mm films he brought home from the air force showing red army parades and life in russia under communism. It was all get with the program-we were indoctrinated! Whenever somebody got shot trying to go over the Berlin Wall it was a reminder they were going to do the same to us. The memories of WWII were still too fresh in our parents' minds. <br />Interestingly, it was around this time, say early-60's, I found a copy of Gherman Titov's biography: "I Am Eagle." which my Dad read and thought was darn good book.