P.S. Neither can I see any backward extrapolation of an expansion to a single point as being in any way justified - even more so, when the expansion itself is not smooth, and the more so when punctuated by an expansion of spacetime at greater than light speed. Why not an expansion back to a non-infinitesimal nexus?
Yes. Doppler shift is what is used for the radial movement through space. Cosmological redshift describes the radial movement of space (expansion). At great distances, the Doppler motion (peculiar motion) becomes insignificant compared to the expansion rate.And, finally, (I am posting these separate issues on 3 separate posts),
Is redshift due to receding galaxies or to receding or expanding spacetime? . . .
I assume you are meaning physical movement of galaxies through spacetime, no? Also, if spacetime is expanding FTL, it cannot carry material (galaxies) with it or recession speed would become constant (at the limit) and Hubs would give all galaxies stopping dead. Constant(V) = H x Constant(D).Doppler shift is what is used for the radial movement through space.
The FTL speed of a galaxy being carried away by space, is the speed relative to us. It could be treated as not moving at all, arguing we are the galaxy traveling FTL (relative to it).Helio, thank you for your reply. I still don't get the point about Hubble's Law.
I thought recession (speed) was meant to be constant (H) x distance. However, if this continues to apply, recession (speed) will/has reach/reached c. Unless galaxies are non-material, this results in galaxies exceeding c. From your reply I assume you are meaning physical movement of galaxies through spacetime, no? Also, if spacetime is expanding FTL, it cannot carry material (galaxies) with it or recession speed would become constant (at the limit) and Hubs would give all galaxies stopping dead. Constant(V) = H x Constant(D).
A)Observed diff in galaxies. In non relativistic classical models the farther from the source the more distorted the image. This is observable on large cosmological scales in a non expanding universe as distortion. ObservedI would expect any alternative theory that better fit the observations would become accepted. Here are some things the alternative theory would need to address:
The Expansion of the Universe.
....> Hubble Constant (redshift)
....> Einstein's field equations (1916) predicted an expanding (or contracting) universe
....> Time Dilation of Supernova
....> Gamma Ray Bursts
....> The CMBR - Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation.
...…......> The wavelength (microwave)
......…...> The Temperature (2.73K).
......…...> The Blackbody Results.
......…...> The "smoothness" (isotropy) [Inflation required]
...……...> The very small "roughness" (anisotropy) in this radiation.
......…...> The angular size of the "hot" spots matching predictions.
......…...> The power spectrum
....> Distant Cloud temperatures
....> The Element Abundances from Nucleosynthesis.
....> Helium (25%)
....> Deuterium, its relative abundance.
....> The observed Differences in Galaxies between today's and earlier ones.
......…..> Paucity of distant Barred Spirals.
......…..> Less organized distant Spirals.
......…..> No local Quasars.
....> The Age of the Universe in relation to Stellar Compositions.
....> Olber's Paradox resolved.
....> Entropy - "The universe is dying" (Helmholtz & 2nd Law).
....> Galactic Superstructure of Super Clusters and Galactic Strands
....> No Ancient Objects older than 15 billion years.
....> The anisotropy found in background neutrino maping, probably.
....> The Lyman Forest morphology
It doesn’t make sense to place the bar as falsify the current answer for CMBR. It should be ..Falsify the possibilty that the CMBR is redshifted blackbody radiation from distant galaxies in a non expanding universe.Falsify is a big issue in science and the scientific method. The BB has three major pillars used to support it as I understand. H/He abundance, redshifts of galaxies and quasars for example, and the CMBR, the cornerstone or foundation. If there is an alternative, that model should explain all three pillars as well or better than current BB model and fix cracks that are currently reported. My thinking, I would knock over the answer for the origin of the CMBR and show the current model is wrong and the BB falls apart. Arp reported redshifts of quasars and galaxies that could be physically connected, thus showing potential cracks in the cosmological redshift interpretation used in the BB model but others reject this. The big one here is the CMBR. Falsify the current answer for the origin of the CMBR and bang, goes the BB![]()
Though the most extreme galaxies have yet to be observed, what is seen strongly suggests that the greater the distance the greater the immaturity. Astronomers are able to qualify their results enough to make that morphology claim.A)Observed diff in galaxies. In non relativistic classical models the farther from the source the more distorted the image. This is observable on large cosmological scales in a non expanding universe as distortion.
What explains your redshift but expansion? A static universe would appear as white as stars if they're infinite in number.Olbers paradox. Light redshifts over distance. Its not black actually. It’s just redshifted to longer wavelengths
There is nothing to suggest any object exists that is older than 13.8 Gyrs.No ancient objects? Incorrect. Already BBT fans admit large scale structures tho large for BBT to explain are observed.
Particle physicists know better. Nucleosynthesis from stars became mainstream not long after Hoyle predicted the resonance for carbon, which was shortly proven correct by a lab. This was decades ago.All the stellar synthesis points are assumptions only and can be ignored We have no idea how stars or SN generate the elements.
There is nothing known to argue for the redshift of light in a static universe. DeSitter's early GR model was able to show this for a static universe but to do so he had to remove all mass.CMBR. In a non expanding universe that’s just the region of our universe at the distance where redshifting of the blackbody radiation of stars is redshifted to microwave.
The entire universe filled with light at 3000K is hardly a fair argument for distant galaxies. Galaxies aren't that great BB emitters, also. The WMAP study, and others superior to COBE, show how remarkable the CMBR matches a BB profile. No star matches this as close, including our Sun. [This is one reason scientists get its color wrong, btw.]And the entity spread of the COBE map is a good match. It represents the density fluctuations of galaxies at that redshift.
I think Gamow's original estimate was 50K.CMBR temp!! Thsts a good one. The best and first prediction of background temp was 2.8K by a steady state theorist Mckellar in 1941. At that time time the best BBT could come up with was Gamows 20K!!
Wrong again. There are explanations for them, though they differ. Direct observations have been accomplished immediately following a GRB thanks to SWIFT and the network set-up by observatories. A lot is known, more will be known with time.GRB Current models of physics cannot explain GRBs.
Please show us your reference for your claim of their apparent fraud.Time dilation of SN1a. Fact is there is peer reviewed research showing the databetter fits a non expanding model . Even Reiss Knop et al admit in their “landmark” paper “proving” time dilation that they actually had to falsify the Hubble data to make it fit their expanding model.
HubbleI believe that the big bang model has been falsified repeatedly by evidence brought forth by Halton Arp (Harvard, Caltech) and the former Chief of the USNO's Celestial Mechanics Branch, Tom Van Flandern (Yale). Eric Lerner also provides abundant evidence that the big bang has been on shaky ground since its wholesale acceptance by "mainstream" astronomers, arguing mainly that it has far too many adjustable parameters (several dozen, at last count) to be considered useful in terms of predictions.
Van Flandern, for example, suggested many dozen tests of the model, virtually all of which the big bang fails without the usual ad hoc rescue measures. He outlined the top 30 problems with the model here: https://www.spaceandmotion.com/cosmology/top-30-problems-big-bang-theory.htm
From an objective stance, there is no doubt whatsoever that the big bang model has been in trouble for decades. Practically every week there is a new finding that contradicts one or more aspects of it. And yet, big bang proponents cannot be deterred in their quest to confirm it, even in the face of so much contradictory evidence. Someone on a different thread mentioned the "cult" of the big bang theorists. Judging by the mental gymnastics performed by BB proponents on this board, it's hard to argue that the term cult does not apply.
However, I am not interested in arguing with BB proponents; it's clear that they are always willing to add new parameters, or even invent new forms of matter, in order to save the model. Instead, I have a single question that I hope will be answered with total honesty:
What, in your mind, would serve to falsify the big bang model? In other words, name a specific observation, or set of observations, that should cause cosmologists to discard the big bang theory in favor of an alternative.
The discovery is that Hubble is wrong. Redshift has nothing NOTHING to do with velocity. Light from redshift has nothing to do with Doppler. It has to do with attenuation. Light attenuates over extreme distances meaning that’s frequency gradually reduces as its wavelength increases. The degree to which light has redshifted is a function ONLY of how far it has travelled from its source.The only thing that will result in the BBT being (mostly) discarded by "mainstream" cosmologists if for another theory to be developed to replace it.
But, replacing it is mainly a matter of acceptance. Not only does it need to have mathematical continuity sufficient to rival the BBT, it needs people to accept its assumptions. And that is the problem. People have accepted the BBT assumptions, even though they constitute about 95% of the matter and energy needed to make the model mathematically consistent to the extent that it is, which isn't perfect.
I often wonder how difficult it would be to make a competing model if somebody started with the assumption that the model would be acceptable if they simply assumed 20 time as much mass and energy that we can observe is at their disposal to configure and distribute any way they want to make their model work out mathematically and seem to fit the observations. It doesn't seem conceptually difficult. But, it would be laborious to produce the volume of discussion and computation that has developed around the BBT. So, would people just accept it if it doesn't somehow look more convincingly real? Probably not. Why change your mind unless there is a compeling reason to do so?
So, the only thing that I think will cause most people to accept a different model is some discovery that allows us to think, "Oh, yeah, how did we miss that - now I understand."
And that is why I enthusiastically support space exploration by telescopes, space craft, and spacecraft that are telescopes.
even invent new forms of matter, in order to save the model.
I am extremely interested in your ideas. Could you please expand fully soi can grasp the context.An infinite non-local Universe (U) that has multi-dimensional Multiverse component of an infinity of finite local universes (u) would have a permanent collapsed horizon component to each and every one of the infinities of local finites (between the local finite (u) and the non-local infinite (U)), such as the Big Bang / Planck / Infinite Horizon.
What would identify the non-local infinite (U) to the finite local (u)? Answer: An observable existence of 'potential' of the former [to] the latter. The look and feel (in all physicality) of the latter finite local (u) expanding to the eternity, the permanency, of the former, the non-local infinite (U).
Where and what in the multi-dimensional Multiverse is the inside horizon (h), the timeless infinities of inside horizons (h), to the outside border, the singular border, of Horizon (H)? Answer: The horizon of each and every black hole in and throughout space and time. Between these horizons, horizon (h) and Horizon (H), eternally cycling within its own dimensions, conducting end horizon (h) to beginning Horizon (H), is from beginning (H) to end (h) the 'life zone' (as intimated by Stephen Hawking once upon a time in his 'A Brief History of Time').
The Big Bang Theory is falsified because it is not big enough. It is too small, too narrow, too 1-dimensional and 1-directional . . . too closed systemic.
Put a satellite up to orbiting solar system to determine redshift with respect to wavelength, velocity and frequency. I’ll bet redshift has nothing to do with the velocity component.Though the most extreme galaxies have yet to be observed, what is seen strongly suggests that the greater the distance the greater the immaturity. Astronomers are able to qualify their results enough to make that morphology claim.
What explains your redshift but expansion? A static universe would appear as white as stars if they're infinite in number.
There is nothing to suggest any object exists that is older than 13.8 Gyrs.
Particle physicists know better. Nucleosynthesis from stars became mainstream not long after Hoyle predicted the resonance for carbon, which was shortly proven correct by a lab. This was decades ago.
There is nothing known to argue for the redshift of light in a static universe. DeSitter's early GR model was able to show this for a static universe but to do so he had to remove all mass.
Fritz Zwicky proposed, also long ago, that light might redshift naturally during travel in a static universe. This became known as the "Tired Light" hypothesis. It became discredited with further studies.
Keep in mind that the mainstream view before Lemaitre (1927) was that we lived in a static universe. The MW was the only galaxy in the universe. It had only been recent for them (1920's) that the spiral nebulae were found to not be clouds in the MW, but distant galaxies.
So, any theory for a static universe isn't something new to consider, but a return to the old view that many tried very hard to hold on to, especially Einstein. With help from Eddington and DeSitter, Lemaitre's model finally made sense to Einstein, who reportedly praised Lemaitre during one of his presentations.
The entire universe filled with light at 3000K is hardly a fair argument for distant galaxies. Galaxies aren't that great BB emitters, also. The WMAP study, and others superior to COBE, show how remarkable the CMBR matches a BB profile. No star matches this as close, including our Sun. [This is one reason scientists get its color wrong, btw.]
I think Gamow's original estimate was 50K.
Your argument that suggests progress in science is unacceptable is strange, at best. Those early estimates did not have any age and distance refinements we have today. The Wright Brothers did not start with a jet airliner.
Wrong again. There are explanations for them, though they differ. Direct observations have been accomplished immediately following a GRB thanks to SWIFT and the network set-up by observatories. A lot is known, more will be known with time.
Please show us your reference for your claim of their apparent fraud.
This is my understanding as well. But to add, I believe that the speed of time is increasing and this is the mechanism for the observed attenuation.The discovery is that Hubble is wrong. Redshift has nothing NOTHING to do with velocity. Light from redshift has nothing to do with Doppler. It has to do with attenuation. Light attenuates over extreme distances meaning that’s frequency gradually reduces as its wavelength increases. The degree to which light has redshifted is a function ONLY of how far it has travelled from its source.
In redshift there is an actual change in wavelength. In Doppler there is only the illusion of change in wavelength. Redshift is attenuation. Doppler is distortion.
Also, look at the graph supporting Hubbles Law. Five galaxies supporting a perfect straight line relationship between distance and velocity. Really? Five out of 100 billion galaxies. Statistically insignificant. So if redshift is attenuation and not Doppler then the universe is static, there was no bb, there is no dark matter/energy.
Perhaps you could clarify as I’m not sure how time could speed up.This is my understanding as well. But to add, I believe that the speed of time is increasing and this is the mechanism for the observed attenuation.
Perhaps you could clarify as I’m not sure how time could speed up.