What's the point of a Universe? :S

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This is all very true, when I think back as to what put this into perspective for me I think of one book.<br /><br />Five ages of the Universe<br />http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0684865769/qid=1102138392/sr=8-2/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i2_xgl14/002-4722575-4431211?v=glance&s=books&n=507846<br /><br />I found it depressing and enlightening at the same time. I highly suggest it.<br /><br /><font color="yellow"> Get outside a SOLELY human centered box and see things from a universal perspective. Then understanding will come. It's what good sciences do every day. </font><br /><br />There is a belief that I subscribe to in regards to this topic, its probably beyond the scope of what you meant but I would like to share it. It's Buddhism with a little of my own thoughts. <br /><br />You are looking through a human centered perspective, and are bound by your limitations of understanding and perspective. Not everything can be gained by taking an objective or universal perspective on a situation. This can be viewed as applying a holistic or construct viewpoint to philosophical questions. Just like the holistic constructs of species and biome are more useful in ecology than a reductionist application of chemistry and physics would be. You need the philosophical objectivity reductionism but you also need the human-viewed philosophical contructs of holism. <br /><br />Compare a person's understanding to a box. You cannot act objectivly or universly outside the box when you ARE the box. You can expand the box (understanding) but you cannot have have a perspective objective of yourself and the bounds that you entail. <br /><br />From a reductionist viewpoint I don't believe in free will, I think it's all just complex chemistry. However, you can't really take much out of life wit
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