Will-<br /><font color="yellow">Actaully, put your faith in Scaled Composites and Burt Rutan. Branson just provides financing</font><br /><br />That's exactly why I put my faith in Branson (and others), the financing is the most important thing......No bucks, No Buck Rodgers. Sir Richard has the guts to put his money where his faith is. Maybe faith is the wrong word, my gut feeling is that we are going to have Lunar colonies under his leadership. And thank God for him.<br /> <br />Do you know why we don't have a 100 man moonbase or lauched several manned missions to Jupiter and beyond? Because we decided not to, not because we said "we don't know how", but because we said, "it's too expensive". I bet dollars to pesos that Branson, and others like him, could honest to God finance it, AND MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!!! <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /> <br /><br />Don't get me wrong, Rutan is awesome, but he can't do it without the money folks. It would be great if congress had the foresight to do it, but I don't think they can get past the politics, Branson and his kind are way above all of that B.S. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>