Where did the interstellar object 'Oumuamua come from? Its speed could tell us

Mar 31, 2020
Oumuamua does not look like a comet in any way shape or form. There is nothing like it anywhere, so let us stop pretending that we know. There is nothing like it anywhere. It is contrary to the ordinary course of nature, so let's not pretend that it is. We are clueless as to knowing anything about it and it entered our star system. We need to investigate thoroughly this unnatural phenomenon to know exactly what it is.
Apr 6, 2023
Oumuamua does not look like a comet in any way shape or form. There is nothing like it anywhere, so let us stop pretending that we know. There is nothing like it anywhere. It is contrary to the ordinary course of nature, so let's not pretend that it is. We are clueless as to knowing anything about it and it entered our star system. We need to investigate thoroughly this unnatural phenomenon to know exactly what it is.
What do you mean "unnatural"? Nothing could be more natural. There are no hard definitions of comets, only observations of those within our own solar system (and very few of those). Comets most likely come in many shapes and configurations depending on their particular path through space and time.
Feb 7, 2023
What do you mean "unnatural"? Nothing could be more natural. There are no hard definitions of comets, only observations of those within our own solar system (and very few of those). Comets most likely come in many shapes and configurations depending on their particular path through space and time.
He is probably a fan of Avi Loeb and thinks it is an alien space craft.
What do you mean "unnatural"? Nothing could be more natural. There are no hard definitions of comets, only observations of those within our own solar system (and very few of those). Comets most likely come in many shapes and configurations depending on their particular path through space and time.
The "unnatural" part is two seemingly incompatible facts:
- Acceleration as it moved away from the Solar System
- No visible gases to account for the source of the thrust

The current best explanation is that the thrust was from hydrogen gas and oxygen gas and thus invisible. The source of the hydrogen and oxygen is presumed to be solid hydrogen and solid oxygen inside Oumuamua deposited there over millions of years from vapor originating with the dissociation of water molecules by impacting cosmic rays.
Mar 31, 2020
Interesting logic. The (it could only be a) comet that does not look or behave like a comet, is a comet. How did this very unnatural phenomenon form? How did it develop this very successful means of acceleration? Perhaps the answer lies with earth's second moon. You know, the one that orbits the earth every 90 minutes.
Feb 7, 2023
The "unnatural" part is two seemingly incompatible facts:
- Acceleration as it moved away from the Solar System
- No visible gases to account for the source of the thrust

The current best explanation is that the thrust was from hydrogen gas and oxygen gas and thus invisible. The source of the hydrogen and oxygen is presumed to be solid hydrogen and solid oxygen inside Oumuamua deposited there over millions of years from vapor originating with the dissociation of water molecules by impacting cosmic rays.
Sublimation of Nitrogen ice is what I read. The issue is calling it unnatural or alien. We had a very brief window to observe it. The default should be that we don't understand it and have very little data. Instead, Loeb inserts the alien of the gaps explanation and profits off of the UAP mania.
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Mar 31, 2020
Of course, intelligent lifeforms observing the earth would see the ISS for what it is. They would observe the unusual shape, as well as the increased acceleration. They would not see it as a second moon or any other natural phenomenon. They will make the correct analysis. It is a large alien spacecraft created by an alien race.

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