Where in the SF universe,would you most like to visit & why?

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If it was possible for you to go anywhere in the universe (be it
our real one and/or to any scifi and/or scifi fantasy world you love
and greatly admire), where would you most like to go to and please
say why, for anywhere named.


Do you want us to focus on the "where" in our answers, i.e. a *place* your would like to visit,
as opposed to a place where certain people can be found (i.e. the bridge of NCC-1701 because
you want to hang out with Lt. Uhura).

Clearly there are places in SF in which physical and/or spiritual regeneration happen. As one gets
older, such places have appeal. Another class would be places of beauty.

You note I have not given an answer yet, I am thinking. :)


:D I believe I would like to visit a Universe from "Ann Maccafy" imaginations. They sound so pleasent. But there is also Isac AAsom's Foundation. Along with that anwhere that FTL travel would take me, Which might not ever be possible in my lifetime. There is also the "Gateway" novels and universe which would be very interesting. ;)


Several, if I may:

Lois McMaster Bujold's Barrayar series. I want to meet that hyperactive little git, Miles Naismith Vorkosigan.
Pournelle and Niven's "Empire of Man." Moties! F'yunch Click!
Heinlein's universe (of which he postulated several), and hoist a few cold ones with Lazarus Long.
Alan Dean Foster's "Commonwealth" future, which sounds really fun.
Anderson's Polesotechnic League universe, where hanging with Nicholas Van Rijn sounds interesting.
David Drake's "Hammer's Slammers" universe.
Glenn Cook's "Garrett" series (Angry Lead Skies," etc.) - and meet Morley Dotes, Garrett, the Dead Man, Saucerhead Thorpe, etc.
Pratchett's Discworld.

Etc. Too damned many to name, really...


I think David Brin's Uplift Universe, where the galaxy is populated by thousands of intelligent species, each of whom was uplifted into sentience by a patron race (all except for the wolfling Humans, who are only grudgingly tolerated) would be fun and stimulating place to visit....lots of intrigue, clashes, and opportunities to outsmart the high-handed aliens who depend too much upon their precious Galactic Library. It just seems like a fun place!

Also, his world of Stratos, a planet settled by feminist refugees from the Human Phylum and dominated by women who reproduce by parthenogenesis, but still require males to conceive. It was an amazingly detailed culture he crafted in that novel (Glory Season).


Alchemyst1":2986dh1j said:
If it was possible for you to go anywhere in the universe (be it
our real one and/or to any scifi and/or scifi fantasy world you love
and greatly admire), where would you most like to go to and please
say why, for anywhere named.

Aside from the edge of the Universe, as I stated in the other thread, from a sci-fi view it would be:

C.J. Cherryh's "Compact Space." Yeah, it'd be dangerous for a human, maybe even suicidal depending on the political climate. But, it wouldn't be boring. :) (Best alien political/cultural intrigue EVAR!)

or, perhaps,

P.J. Farmer's "Riverworld." Hey, where else can you go to meet Ghengis Khan AND Samuel Clemens at the same time?


A nice secluded spot of the Universe with a nice planet equipped will all the necessities and powerful machinery built by an ancient race that produces whatever I want. Then, I'll just sit and think awhile...


Riverworld would be cool, as would Ringworld.
Several of Heinlein's universes are intreiging, I think I'd like living on the future moon (The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.)
Would love to live on Babylon 5 and visit some homeworlds of the other species; Mymbari and Centauri.
Now that the Gouald(sp) have been defeated, I wouldn't mind exploring through the Stargates, going from one planet to the next and maybe never coming back. 'Course I'd need an accurate list of addresses...

Why? To get away from this crazy planet which seems determined to go to hell in a handbasket!


My favorite SF is a catalog of places I would NOT like to visit. A very good example of "May you live in interesting times" :)

That leaves me with Star-trek and Star-wars. Whatever you think of the stories, it would be great to live in a world painted with big budget effects!


"A nice secluded spot of the Universe with a nice planet equipped will all the necessities and powerful machinery built by an ancient race that produces whatever I want."

Sounds like the planet from that episode of ST:TOS, Shore Leave....

Unfortunately, given the undisciplined nature of my mind, such would probably be dangerous for me.



kelvinzero":1b2uwjy1 said:
My favorite SF is a catalog of places I would NOT like to visit. A very good example of "May you live in interesting times" :)

That leaves me with Star-trek and Star-wars. Whatever you think of the stories, it would be great to live in a world painted with big budget effects!

Good point. There are a lot of interesting SF realms out there where humans would have a severely reduced life-expectancy.


drwayne":3mz7fyel said:
"A nice secluded spot of the Universe with a nice planet equipped will all the necessities and powerful machinery built by an ancient race that produces whatever I want."

Sounds like the planet from that episode of ST:TOS, Shore Leave....

Unfortunately, given the undisciplined nature of my mind, such would probably be dangerous for me.




I admit, it would be difficult if it just produced whatever you were thinking of at the time, indiscriminately. I'd first have to "think" it to render itself incapable of producing anything that would harm me or ever be outside of my conscious control... THEN... Well, the rest I'll keep to myself. :D


kelvinzero":2cp162zd said:
My favorite SF is a catalog of places I would NOT like to visit. A very good example of "May you live in interesting times" :)

Too true. When I was thinking about all the wonderful books I had read to make my reply, I realized that most were worlds in conflict of one kind or another! Few were places I really wanted to go. Much the same could be said for the TV shows. I definately wouldn't want to live in the Farscape universe, much as I liked the show!
The same can be said for Battlestar Galactica, either incarnation. But I did like where it ended up, Earth several hundred thousand years ago. That would be a cool place to live.


The Halo universe, after the war when everybody is rebuilding.



I really dislike the "Halo Universe," where they basically ripped off numerous notable SF writers, and claimed their ideas as their own.


Talos from ST TOS where the guys with the big heads could turn my body into what it was supposed to be instead of what it turned out to be. I'd stay there and make babies for them with a beautiful woman.
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