Which telescope will be 1st to find alien life? Scientists have some ideas

These 10 exoplanets selected in the paper are listed and I like this.

GJ 1002 c, GJ 1061 d, GJ 1002 b, Wolf 1061 b, GJ 1061 c, GJ 667 C c, GJ 682 b, GJ 887 b, Proxima b, and Wolf 1061 c

An object with 1 AU diameter at 10 pc will have an angular resolution of about 0.1 arcsecond so the paper is very interesting and using IR too. Concerning K2-18 b and a possible hycean world with life on it, other reports indicated perhaps a magma world and now this more recent study.

Another explanation for K2-18b? A gas-rich mini-Neptune with no habitable surface, https://phys.org/news/2024-01-explanation-k2-18b-gas-rich.html

Some other past reporting on K2-18 b. Is K2-18b covered in oceans of water or oceans of lava?, https://phys.org/news/2024-01-k2-18b-oceans-lava.html

Exoplanet's surface may be covered in oceans, James Webb Space Telescope finds, https://forums.space.com/threads/ex...ceans-james-webb-space-telescope-finds.63084/

Webb discovers methane, carbon dioxide in atmosphere of K2-18 b, https://phys.org/news/2023-09-webb-methane-carbon-dioxide-atmosphere.html
May I ask, are there conditions or certain qualifiers that have to be met before a determination can be made? For instance would just a certain combination of organic spectra be needed? Or would that not be conclusive?

Or will the findings be presented as a probability. I am assuming that there is a difference between finding life....and finding intelligent life. Or advance life.

Would certain spectrums satisfy most researchers? For life only.
Sep 6, 2023
So long as everyone is heading to the moon, it's curious that no one is considering putting an optical/IR interferometer there. With baslines of 100 meters or more, angular resolutions of 0.001 arc-second are possible at visible wavelengths, and by throwing one arm of the interferometer out of phase 180 degrees you can null out the light of the star.

Planets not orbiting in a plane coincident with our line of site are not detectable with transiting methods, so this is the way to find them. This would be way better than JWST or an 8-meter space telescope15-20 years out in the future.
Jan 28, 2023
The telescope that will be able to detect extraterrestrial life, who knows, may already exist as a project. But certainly its construction and launch into space has not taken place yet.
"With baslines of 100 meters or more, angular resolutions of 0.001 arc-second are possible at visible wavelengths, and by throwing one arm of the interferometer out of phase 180 degrees you can null out the light of the star."

You can not do that with starlight, light......or a laser. Light is flux. It is full of phase. It has 360 degrees of phase. Times a million.

This can only be done with a radio signal. A one emitter source. A one phase emission.


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