As I said, I am even willing to accept your figures for the maintenance part of the ISS budget. Now even allowing for 3% inflation we get some 15% total inflation of NASA's current budget by 2010 (5 years X 3%, I really don't have to be a mathematical genious here to use simple multiplication) this would then be multiplied by the current $1.8 billion for the ISS portion of the budget to get some $270 millon + $1.8 billion then approx. equals $2.1 billion NOT $3 billion. Now I am sure that an inteligent person like yourself realizes that using inflation in this manner is somewhat moot as ALL things will inflate at these prices, cars, housing. candy bars, etc, etc. But I am still willing to even use this if you wish. <br /><br />You can kill ANY program by summing up ALL of its costs: developement + production + maintenance + inflation over the life of the entire program!! As an example I could take the entire military budget over this same period (2006 thru 2018) and come up with the relatively astonishing figure of some 5 TRILLION dollars or more that we are going to spend on the military in the same period!! Does this mean that we should KILL the military? No, even a relatively peace loving individual like myself would be dead set againt any such thing!! <br /><br />I will readily admit that the ISS is somewhat of a political creature, but then so has been nearly EVERYTHING that such an agency such as NASA has done, after all NASA does NOT control its own budget anymore than any other governmnet agency does. It is controlled by politicians! However, NASA has done and will continue to do truly great things even under these circumstances. <br /><br />I am sorry that you seem to believe that fostering greater cooperation among all nations in space is a worthwhile goal. There has been far too little such cooperation among nations in the past and humanity has suffered greatly for that! In European wars alone in the last century more than 100 million human bein