Question Why are the universes in the multiverse soo small?

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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
There is only one Universe. Multiverse is purely in the realm of the imagination.
It seems from your post that you have universe and multiverse reversed. You are (it seems) taking multiple 'universes' in a multiverse which you are taking as the sum total. Universe is the sum total. Multiverses are purely imaginative speculation.

Cat :)


Aug 14, 2020
The multiverse is maybe as big as the universe but still has more universes inside?
How does this happen? How do the universes shrink inside the multiverse?
You have the wrong concept, but I will try to approach this in a manner you might be able to picture.

First off, a definition of "verse" is "turn", "turning." Universe is essentially one turn, one turning, to turn, or the turning. So I will approach it that way here.

Stephen Hawking conceptualized a single particle having six faces to it. As it is [[turned]] it displays each different face as a different particle. Six individually different particles; one individually different particle per each of six faces in the "turning" particle. Taking it up scales, a universe in one turning (uni versus), yet at exactly the same time a multiverse of six universes.

Redundantly, the turn of the Universe could yield an infinity of different faces in the turning (the verse). An infinity of individually different universes in the Multiverse of the Universe, including even in the multiverses of those infinity of universes. You could say a form of "fractal self-similarity" at work.

The particle-like multi-dimensional look of many in one "turning" is not someone's imagination, unless it is Stephen Hawking's among many others who dealt and deal in particle physics. A multiverse can have many different spokes (roads), many different looks (scenarios), many different dimensionalities (many different beings), all leading essentially into and out of the same hub of all. To think that there is only one road, only one way, and that everything else is imagination is quite wrong.

Even concerning Relativity, relativity predicts its own breakdown. Relativity is lost and gained, lost and gained, lost and gained. It opens and closes, opens and closes, collapsing in horizons as new horizons acquire. Thus, universe (singular) can and will offset into universes (plural). An infinity of offsetting relativities also being an infinity of offsetting universes; also being multiverse.

It is not imagination that relativity breaks down, or that one of a thing can divide (fission) into two... or many... or an infinity.
Last edited:
Jun 15, 2021
I would not say that the multiverse is small. It's just that if you look at this issue from the point of view of some films, then these changes concern only the main character, and not the whole world. This is something like how we move in a car relative to the ground, but not relative to the car. So it is simply not possible to argue that the multiverse is small, just if we were shown them in films as if we were watching it from the beginning but with minor changes, then it would be some kind of endless cycle.
Jun 15, 2021
Hi Misha, are you talking fictional films? If so, they are more likely to be keeping to a plot rather than worrying about scientific fact,

Cat :)
Hello, in this you are right, but even if you take another universe according to the size of our identity, only with some modifications, for example, a pig will fly there, but no ducks. (random example)
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The problem for the multiverse idea, ignoring all the great sci-fy tricks that it offers, is that it:

1) Has no objective evidence, but only mathematical elegance.
2) Worse, there is no way we can observe evidence since all that can be observable is confined to this universe - the observable Universe. The non-observable universes suppositions (via our imaginations) offer nothing of substance.

Perhaps time will change this, but it helps to not get wrapped-up in their likelihood at this point. We all tend to believe what we want to believe, but there's no reason to let these tendencies make us look too silly. :)

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