Question Why can’t we go to Pluto?

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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Pearl: in a word YES.

As nebula just pointed out:
If we accept that using current technology, travel to Pluto would be in the realm of 9+ years (1 way). This would be a lifetime round trip close to 20 years and the logistics required for such a journey would be astronomical.
For reasons I have pointed out, these are minimum figures. Apart from someone wanting to spend more than 20 years of their lives (and risking not getting back anyway) the infrastructure of supplying their needs for this time are daunting. We are back to the good old SF food capsules just for a start. The rest you can work out for yourself.

Cat :)
Nov 13, 2020
Why can’t we go to Pluto?
To make what?
The return on the Moon, the exploration of Mars and the search of lifeforms in the subglacial seas of Europa and Enceladus are much more practical and interesting objectives.
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Trevize, whilst I agree with these:
"The return on the Moon, the exploration of Mars and the search of lifeforms in the subglacial seas of Europa and Enceladus are much more practical and interesting objectives"
and leaving aside funding (which of course we cannot) there are interesting aspects to Pluto. The first dwarf planet to be discovered (but not yet classified as such) with 5 moons, including one of comparable size. Worth a look, but perhaps not at the price?

Cat :)
Nov 13, 2020
I wanted to point that we must first concentrate on nearer objiectives. OK, we have given a look to Pluto and it was amazing, but for now it's better to concentrate our efforts on nearer objectives.
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May 14, 2021
Not to mention the physical difficulties of spending all those years in a microgravity, even with exercise. Unless we can build one of those spinning stations, but, that would have to be very large. Just ain’t feasible.
Jun 15, 2021
In theory, we can fly and even land on Pluto, but the main question is: at what cost? If we are talking about a passenger spacecraft, then, firstly, it will consume a lot of resources, food, water, air, and most importantly time. Secondly, to fly there one way for about 13 years, and back there is already 26 years, while it is possible to fit so much fuel, food, oxygen tanks and water into a spaceship, and water on spaceships is processed from waste, but even so, it not enough, and a very large supply is needed. There is also such a thing as the human factor, in 26 years anything can happen to a person, from psychological illnesses to some other illnesses, so now, this is not what humanity needs, because of the unjustified waste of resources.
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