"The warping of space by mass causes light from a distant source to "bend"."
Bending or deflection is a direct consequence of the fact that photons fall towards the source of gravity as predicted by Newton's theory - their speed INCREASES like the speed of ordinary projectiles. This is so obvious that many Einsteinians teach it explicitly (the brainwashed scientific community neither understands nor cares):
"To see WHY A DEFLECTION OF LIGHT WOULD BE EXPECTED, consider Figure 2-17, which shows a beam of light entering an accelerating compartment. Successive positions of the compartment are shown at equal time intervals. Because the compartment is accelerating, the distance it moves in each time interval increases with time. The path of the beam of light, as observed from inside the compartment, is therefore a parabola. But according to the equivalence principle, there is no way to distinguish between an accelerating compartment and one with uniform velocity in a uniform gravitational field. We conclude, therefore, that A BEAM OF LIGHT WILL ACCELERATE IN A GRAVITATIONAL FIELD AS DO OBJECTS WITH REST MASS. For example, near the surface of Earth light will fall with acceleration 9.8 m/s^2."
James Hartle, Gravity: An Introduction to Einstein's General Relativity, p. 113: "If we accept the equivalence principle, we must also accept that light falls in a gravitational field with the same acceleration as material bodies."
Einstein's general relativity preposterously predicts that the speed of falling photons DECREASES:
"Einstein first discovered the gravitational time dilation in 1911, on the basis of his equivalence principle. From the time dilation, he immediately deduced the slow-down and deflection of light in a gravitational field. His 1911 result for the reduction of the speed of light was in error by a factor of 2, but he corrected this a few years later, in his theory of General Relativity."
"Thus, as φ becomes increasingly negative (i.e., as the magnitude of the potential increases), the radial "speed of light" c_r defined in terms of the Schwarzschild parameters t and r is reduced to less than the nominal value of c."