The red shift of distant galaxies is found by comparing <b>spectral lines</b>. These are lines which are either emission, or more commonly absorption lines in the spectrum. They were first noted when a high resolution spectrum was done on sunlight. <br /> <br />Each ELEMENT has absorption and emission lines relative to the electron levels in that element's structure. They are almost unique and give a spectral fingerprint to each element.<br /><br />So when they look for distant galaxies they do a spectral analysis which shows the lines. The brightest lines are usually the ones used, and reflect the commonest elements, such as H. When they see THOSE lines shifted from where they should be as seen on earth, then that measures the spectral shift, either when moving away from the earth, to the red, or towards the earth, to the blue.<br /><br />It's the Red Shift OF the Spectral Lines. Or abbreviated, the Red shift.<br /><br />The problems are that when there is a large red shift, it's not always clear how to identify those being shifted as they can be shifted into the IR and they have to look closely. The other problem is that the more distant the spectra are, the more fuzzy the spectral lines get, so one measures it with less precision, than from earth to the sun.<br /><br />Dark matter & dark energy are NOT guesses. They are hypotheses, which might be the solution to the excess mass found around galaxies. <br /><br />No one knows what that is due to. It's probably some form of neutrino, as that is the easiest and simplest hypothesis, altho some have objected stating that all neutrinos are moving very fast. The Laws of physics do NOT require that neutrinos be fast moving.<br /><br />Facts are only very fast moving neutrinos have been detected, because those are the easiet to detect. This does not logically necessitate that all neutrinos must be fast moving. That's the crazy non sequitur in this business.<br /><br />After 14 billions years, it's likely that many of them have slow