I am not sure that I am parsing your code correctly. The first half makes sense, but leads to a section that is amiguous to me. "Then follks Lets go to the moon. did we forget something there moon Boring!!!!!"<br /><br />I agree we should go to the Moon, and we forgot a lot of things there, like how to accomplish goals. Without specific goals, the space program has wallowed about, trying to create its own reason for being.<br /><br />The Moon is a specific goal, where we can measure progress quickly, while learning how to get of off this rock as cheaply as we can. Once we have cut launch costs, we can send so many rovers to Mars that everyone can time share running one. No, wait a minute, that won't work. <br /><br />Mars is so far away that you can't work in real time, because at the speed of light it takes several minutes to get to Mars. The distance to Mars, which affects not only communications but transit times, means that we will have to learn a lot more slowly there than we can on the Moon. Everything we send to Mars will take months to replace if it does not work when it gets there.<br /><br />But lower launch costs will mean more Mars rovers, more knowledge to be stored up for when people actually go there. The harvest from Mars is likely to be nothing but data for a long time, because it won't export stuff in the forseeable future. The Moon, on the other hand is an excellant source for raw materials, which will be used to develop space-based industries.<br /><br />If we can only justify human space flight for scientific explaoration, we will not see much money spent on it. If space becomes an industrial zone, which it should, it will drive a revolution in space access, because flight rates will rise dramatically. The cost of energy on Earth is going to make it much more attractive to process materials where energy is free, if at all possible, and the Moon has many of the same materials that are found on Earth.<br /><br />Plus, you can see it from here. I <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> The secret to peace of mind is a short attention span. </div>