From back when this discussion was active:<br /><br />Here is a revised listing of the largest objects in the Solar System (other than the Sun, which is 99.87% of the Solar System It includes those larger than 475 km in diameter, to limit it to less than 50. It only includes objects in a solar orbit, satellites are excluded. Data is current as of September 14, 2006, with sizes beyond Pluto from the latest MPC data as of Aug 28th. <br />We have accurate diameter measurements for the terrestrial planets, and Pluto. The Gas Giants (pGG), and the Gas Mediums (pBG) are the diameters to 1 bar pressure. <br />These are from the RASC 2002 Observers Handbook. <br />The size for everything beyond Pluto are ESTIMATES, making a number of assumptions. They are not precise, but there are enough of them to get a feel for the statistics. They probably are not off by more than +/- 50%. <br />The mass for everything beyond Pluto is estimated using the density of Pluto (since nothing is known for more distant objects, and most asteroids,) and is displayed here compared to earth. Again, these are estimates, but should not be off by much more than a factor of 2. <br /><br />Name= Common name of object. <br /><br />Disc Desig= Discovery designation using the current system. Where there is none, I have included Planet or Asteroid to make the post easier to read. You have no idea how difficult that is. It's the reason for all the dots in this post, but is much easier to read than the first Pluto Perspectives, Part 1. <br /><br />MPC # = Minor Planet Center small solar system object number, up to and including Pluto, # 134340. Again, for objects without one, I have written something here for readability. 00000 means none has been assigned. <br /><br />Class= General type of Object. <br />The first four are just my attempt to categorize the planets. When you look at the data, it is clear that there are 4 two member groupings, or 2 four member groupings. They don't mean too much, other than my attempt to gr <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#000080"><em><font color="#000000">But the Krell forgot one thing John. Monsters. Monsters from the Id.</font></em> </font></p><p><font color="#000080">I really, really, really, really miss the "first unread post" function</font><font color="#000080"> </font></p> </div>