<i>1) I can give you a speed for light, in a vacuum, down to at least 9 decimal places. It is one of the best (if not the best) measured quantities in science. <br /><br />C= 299,792,458 m/s</i> <br /><br />Wow, that is the biggest number that I have seen so far, thank you.<br /><br /><i>It equals, according to maxwells equations of electromagnetism (some of the most concise, accurate, and general equations out there btw) to be: <br /><br />C= 1/(permitivity*permeability of free space)</i> <br /><br />No, C = -Infinity + Infinity<br /><br /><i>Those two words, are empirically, and accurately measured quantities that arise in determining the strength of electrical and magnetic field. They are "fundamental universal constants" </i><br /><br />Not without infinity, they are not!<br /><br /><i>2) Have you even read anything about relativity? You're arbitrarily throwing objections up and stating unsupported claims.</i><br /><br />There is plenty support for my claims, but I really do not have time to query.<br /><br /><i>Just cause I have a ton of this "super matter" does not isolate me from the affects of acceleration. To do that I would have to find a way to completely negate the law of inertia. </i><br /><br />It does, if your craft is made of 50.999... % of dark matter, but that is not the point. Thank you for making it possible to "negate the law of inertia".<br /><br /><i>3) THERE IS NO COMPLETELY EMPTY SPACE!!!!!!!!!!! How many times do I have to point that out. It is no longer even theoretically possible due to the ramifications of another of sciences most successful theories, and empirical observation!</i><br /><br />Implying that we cannot remove vacuum from space, does not give you the license to treat space-time as if it has substance, when in fact it <u>DOES NOT</u>!<br /><br />Maybe we should cut down on the exclamation points; it sounds as if we are yelling at one another. Were are two adults, having an discussion, right?<br /><br />Not a source, just signing my name ;o) <br />--- http: