Why the current model of the universe breaks a fundamental law, that energy cannot be created nor destroyed.

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"Hey! I could be wrong in what I say." Okay, you're wrong, Harry. Wrong, only because you always seem to point toward a 1-dimensional beaded line stream of pulsed universe coming and going rather than oxymoronic comings and goings of steady state universe (infinite ranks and files and levels of countless many offsetting pulses . . . therefore overall set of steady state).

But "You can't prove that!" someone says. My proof is we are here and there in horizon. Prove we aren't!
The statement
" Your Wrong Harry"
Your conclusion of what I say is completely read out of context.

1 dimension
Where do you get that from?

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Harry Costas

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Question How do stars form?
Today at 6:16 PM
Harry Costas
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Harry Costas

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Dipolar Electromagetic Condensate
Sunday at 11:05 AM
Harry Costas
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Harry Costas

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Question Condensates
Thursday at 5:48 PM
Harry Costas
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Harry Costas

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Jun 10, 2023
Harry Costas
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Harry Costas

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Jun 10, 2023
Harry Costas
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In my opinion
Cosmological Constant has been approached by the wrong path of quantum mechanics.

The forces that expel matter away from compact objects similar to the Big Bang Theory is understood by understanding Chiral Super-Symmetry of condensates. The electromagnetic fields generated by the compact body, becomes very powerful when the mass gains solar mass.

Milkyway black hole a few million solar masses and has a dipolar magnetic fields that are estimated to be sevral thousand light years.
M87 has over 8 billion solar mass Dipolar jets 100,000 Ltyrs

Super Cluster of galaxies over 100 billion solar mas and jet in millions of Lt yrs.
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Reactions: Adoni Yannop
Jun 11, 2023
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In my opinion
Cosmological Constant has been approached by the wrong path of quantum mechanics.

The forces that expel matter away from compact objects similar to the Big Bang Theory is understood by understanding Chiral Super-Symmetry of condensates. The electromagnetic fields generated by the compact body, becomes very powerful when the mass gains solar mass.

Milkyway black hole a few million solar masses and has a dipolar magnetic fields that are estimated to be sevral thousand light years.
M87 has over 8 billion solar mass Dipolar jets 100,000 Ltyrs

Super Cluster of galaxies over 100 billion solar mas and jet in millions of Lt yrs.
Interesting, Harry, That you brought Up M87's SMBH at 6.5 billion solar masses!! I suggest that we can tell the age difference between two galaxies by the size of their SMBHs!!
For, instance, when I was researching the age difference between Milky Way's SMBH And M87's SMBH, I was given that a 3.5 billion solar mass SMBH accrets 1 solar mass every 10 years and that a 6.5 billion solar mass SMBH would accrete one solar mass every 5 years!!
From the given accretion rates above, I concluded that SMBHs double in mass every 25 billion years!! Which Means That M87 Took 25 billion years to grow from 3.5 billion
solar masses to 6.5 billion solar masses!!
Now): We are given that Milky Way's Sagittarius a SMBH has 4.1 million solar masses to Andromeda's SMBH given at about 140 million solar masses!!
Milky Way's SMBH will have to double 6 times over 150 Billion Years (4.1X32)= 131.2 to reach the mass of Andromeda's SMBH!!
And Andromeda's SMBH will have to double in mass 6 times, also, over 150 billion years to reach the mass of M87's SMBH which means that M87's SMBH is more than 300 billion years older than Milky Way's SMBH by my calculations and given accretion rates for SMBHs !!
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Jun 11, 2023
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"Hey! I could be wrong in what I say." Okay, you're wrong, Harry. Wrong, only because you always seem to point toward a 1-dimensional beaded line stream of pulsed universe coming and going rather than oxymoronic comings and goings of steady state universe (infinite ranks and files and levels of countless many offsetting pulses . . . therefore overall set of steady state).

But "You can't prove that!" someone says. My proof is we are here and there in horizon. Prove we aren't!
Hey Atlan0001);
I have a novel take on the steady state universe neither expanding nor contracting overall!! I Suggest that as Overdensity Attractors crunch and heat up matter particles and dark matter neutrino particles as the energy density per cubic meter in Crunching Overdensities increases dark energy in the form of net compressed GP1 aether particles is stored inside the Overdensity's Nucleon, Electron And Neutrino Mass-Energy Vessel Sacs!!
And That when the overdensities reach a point where the matter particles cannot heat up anymore by net imploding GP1 aether particles and start cooling, the overdensities will begin their transformation to repeller voids maintaining a steady state cosmic web and universe even as overdensities mostly crunch and voids mostly expand in a finite in volume ageless universe!!
Quantum mechanics deals in discreet quantities. There is no reason not to apply volume mass-energy "discreet quantity" to infinities of discreet quantity universes. A steady state of both expansion and contraction (at once overall), and merger and division (at once overall), of mass-energy "discreet quantities" evenly occurring across the lot. Not nearly all of it "observed" from infinities of finite holographical 0-point (portal) central locations (monopole (moment) singularity) between the collapsed string-horizons of the Planck Big Bang (Black) Hole (cc (/\) (T=0, t=0) Horizon set.
Jun 11, 2023
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Wow!! Thanks For The Encouragement Harry!! I appreciate!!
Back to controversy!!): Gravitational force must be the direct function of mass and the rate at which the matter particles of the mass heat up!!

You, probably, remember that I suggest that neutrons, protons, electrons and neutrinos are physical actual indestructible permeable mass-energy vessel sacs that permanently store both mass and energy in the physical form of compressed GP1 Aether particles of tiny tiny mass inside their gaseous mass-energy vessel sacs!!
But you may not be aware that because the proton permeable sac is given to have right handed spin and the antiproton permeable sac is given to have left handed spin that I suggest that the proton sac relative to its north magnetic pole spins clockwise and that the antiproton sac relative to its north magnetic pole spins counterclockwise and that this is the sole mechanical difference between between the permeable proton sac and the permeable antiproton sac except for the given difference in positive charge for the proton and negative charge for the antiproton!!
Anyway): we are given that the spinning proton permeable sac will be attracted to the spinning antiproton permeable sac and that when the two sacs touch, the proton sac and the antiproton sac will rip each other apart causing the two sacs to separate as the Presurized GP1 Gaseous Aether Particles inside the two otherwise indestructible permeable sacs rapidly pulsate out in the form of two separating jets of X-rays!!
Now!! Here is the controversal part of my theory!!
I suggest that under sufficiently strong compression-decompression pulsations of a progenitor star to a supernova that some matter permeable sacs are changed to antimatter permeable sacs and that a Type 1a White Dwarf Supernova as it approaches 1.41 solar masses with an average density of 20 million times Earth Density during the progenitor white dwarf star's final pulsation that 125 Earth Masses of matter are converted to antimatter and that the mixing of 125 Earth Masses of matter with 125 Earth Masses of antimatter is what powers a Type 1a Supernova with 1.5e44 Joules of Explosive Power and that a Type 1a supernova cannot possibly be powered by Runaway Fusion of Carbon As Given Especially When The Carbon Is At 35 Million Times The Density Of Diamond!!

Jzz On "Ask Me Anything Ask Dr. Joe - Now WEEKLY! 2023" has answered my question on the Dr Joe 2023 Thread!! Check It Out If You Have Time!!
Thanks, again, for the encouragement!! Have A Wonderful Day!!
I have read your response.

I just don't agree with it.
Does not mean that you are wrong.
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Before you go deeper along one Path, research other possibilities.

I was going to expand on this.
I'm asking you to do a bit of research, self-discovery is very powerful.

Neutron Matter
Quark matter there are various composites.
Partonic matter
Axion Gluon Matter

I will come back on this tomorrow.

Now taking the wife out.
Jun 11, 2023
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Before you go deeper along one Path, research other possibilities.

I was going to expand on this.
I'm asking you to do a bit of research, self-discovery is very powerful.

Neutron Matter
Quark matter there are various composites.
Partonic matter
Axion Gluon Matter

I will come back on this tomorrow.

Now taking the wife out.
We Are Given): From Wiki): An axion is a hypothetical elementary particle postulated by the Peccei–Quinn theory in 1977 to resolve the strong CP problem in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). If axions exist and have low mass within a specific range, they are of interest as a possible component of cold dark matter.
And Another Source Says): Low mass axions could have additional dark matter structure at the galactic scale?? If they continuously fall into galaxies from the intergalactic medium, they would be denser in "caustic" rings?? just as the stream of water in a continuously-flowing fountain is thicker at its peak??
As of right now): We have discovered only 4 indestructible permeable mass-energy vessel sacs that can permanently store both mass and potential energy in the form of compressed GP1 Aether Particles pulsating in and out of the neutron, proton, electron and the neutrino indestructible permeable mass-energy vessel sacs that harmonize into Plus And Minus Electromagnetic GP1 Aether Pressure Beads in the Pressurized GP1 Aether Particle Medium of Electromagnetic Waves!!
Now For Sure): Neutrinos given to have about 1 millionth the mass of the electron permeable pulsating sac could be the dark matter that heats up from the radiant energy of stars in bullet clusters and generates the given dark matter lensing of bullet cluster star galaxies!!
And low mass axion or sterile neutrino permeable mass-energy vessel sacs at about 1 billionth the mass of the electron permeable sac could be part of the dark matter heating up by net imploding GP1 Aether Particles from the radiant heat of the stars of bullet clusters given to have mucho dark matter that lenses light!!
But until physicists realize that gravitational force is the direct function of mass and the rate at which the matter particles of the mass heat up, they will never know what dark matter is!!
FYI): A Civil War Has Broken Out In Russia, Today, And The Rebel Army Plans To March Into Moscow And Hang Some People!!
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Hello Adoni
You need to do better than WIKI.

As normal just because i have posted this paper, does not mean I agree or disagree.
The search for answers is an ongoing process with a never ending story.

[Submitted on 2 May 2023]

Generalized chiral instabilities, linking numbers, and non-invertible symmetries​

Naoki Yamamoto, Ryo Yokokura
We demonstrate a universal mechanism of a class of instabilities in infrared regions for massless Abelian p-form gauge theories with topological interactions, which we call generalized chiral instabilities. Such instabilities occur in the presence of initial electric fields for the p-form gauge fields. We show that the dynamically generated magnetic fields tend to decrease the initial electric fields and result in configurations with linking numbers, which can be characterized by non-invertible global symmetries. The so-called chiral plasma instability and instabilities of the axion electrodynamics and (4+1)-dimensional Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory in electric fields can be described by the generalized chiral instabilities in a unified manner. We also illustrate this mechanism in the (2+1)-dimensional Goldstone-Maxwell model in electric field.
Also keep researching.

[Submitted on 2 May 2023]

A proof of slow-roll local decay of inflaton fields in cosmology and axion fields in cold dark matter models​

Matías Morales, Claudio Muñoz
We consider the long time behavior of solutions to scalar field models appearing in the theory of cosmological inflation (oscillons) and cold dark matter, in presence or absence of the cosmological constant. These models are not included in standard mathematical literature due to their unusual nonlinearities, which model different features to classical ones. Here we prove that these models fit in the theory of dispersive decay by computing new virials adapted to their setting. Several important examples, candidates to model both effects are studied in detail.
Jun 11, 2023
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We Are Given): From Wiki): An axion is a hypothetical elementary particle postulated by the Peccei–Quinn theory in 1977 to resolve the strong CP problem in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). If axions exist and have low mass within a specific range, they are of interest as a possible component of cold dark matter.
And Another Source Says): Low mass axions could have additional dark matter structure at the galactic scale?? If they continuously fall into galaxies from the intergalactic medium, they would be denser in "caustic" rings?? just as the stream of water in a continuously-flowing fountain is thicker at its peak??
As of right now): We have discovered only 4 indestrustible permeable mass-energy vessel sacs that can permanently store both mass and potential energy in the form of compressed GP1 Aether Particles pulsating in and out of the neutron, proton, electron and the neutrino indestructible permeable mass-energy vessel sacs that harmonize into Plus And Minus Electromagnetic GP1 Aether Pressure Beads in the Pressurized GP1 Aether Particle Medium of Electromagnetic Waves!!
Now For Sure): Neutrinos given to have about 1 millionth the mass of the electron permeable pulsating sac could be the dark matter that heats up from the radiant energy of stars in bullet clusters and generates the given dark matter lensing of bullet cluster star galaxies!!
And low mass axion or sterile neutrino permeable mass-energy vessel sacs at about 1 billionth the mass of the electron permeable sac could be part of the dark matter heating up by net imploding GP1 Aether Particles from the radiant heat of the stars of bullet clusters given to have mucho dark matter that lenses light!!
But until physicists realize that gravitational force is the direct function of mass and the rate at which the matter particles of mass heat up, they will never know what dark matter is!!
FYI): A Civil War Has Broken Out In Russia, Today, And The Rebel Army Plans To March Into Moscow And Hang Some People!!

"Hey! I could be wrong in what I say." Okay, you're wrong, Harry. Wrong, only because you always seem to point toward a 1-dimensional beaded line stream of pulsed universe coming and going rather than oxymoronic comings and goings of steady state universe (infinite ranks and files and levels of countless many offsetting pulses . . . therefore overall set of steady state).

But "You can't prove that!" someone says. My proof is we are here and there in horizon. Prove we aren't!
“Great minds find beauties and appreciate them. Average minds find commonalities and compare. Small minds find the problems and criticize.”
― Debasish Mridha
Jun 11, 2023
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As sand through the hourglass these are the days of our Lifes.
The catchphrase “Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives” is from the soap opera, Days of Our Lives. The phrase means that life passes by very quickly, and the image of the sand being emptied in the hourglass creates a visual metaphor for the limited duration of the human lifespan!!
Have A Great Day!! Harry!!