WOW Decoded? ..... 6 E Q U J 5

Dec 4, 2024
In 1977, astronomers received a powerful, peculiar radio signal from the direction of the constellation Sagittarius. Its frequency was the same as neutral hydrogen, and astronomers had speculated that any ETIs attempting to communicate would naturally use this frequency. Now the signal, named the Wow! Signal has become lore in the SETI world.

WOW Decoded? ..... 6 E Q U J 5
Have we been observed? And was ET letting us know he/she knows we are here?

Just as we are searching for and discovering exoplanets, any advanced civilization would also wonder if there was life elsewhere in the Universe.

If intelligent extraterrestrials found that biological life existed on our planet through analysis of our atmosphere, they mightn't want to alarm earths inhabitants, so something we might understand would be appropriate.

There wouldn't be any point in sending a message in their language.

It would need to be simple and have some relevance to our location.

Mathematics would be universal, and if it indicated our position in the solar system that would say this is where we know you are or might be one day.

The WOW signal came from 1800 light years away.

It was recorded using numbers and letters denoting values of signal strength.

6 =6, 14 =E, 26=Q, U=30, J=19, 5=5

The significance of these numbers equates to the position of planets in our solar system either now or how they were many years ago.

Each of these numbers corresponds with the distance of our planets in AUs (Astronomical Units) from the Sun.

As the signal originated so long ago the planets may have been in a different alignment.

By default, 1AU = Earth to Suns Distance.

If numbers represent AUs .....

then 6+19+5=30AU which is Neptune's distance from the Sun.

And 5 + 14 =19AU which is Uranus's distance from the Sun.

And 14-5 =9AU which is Saturn's Distance from the Sun

And 5AU is Jupiter's Distance from the Sun.

Maybe Venus and Mercury were too close to the suns glare to be observed at the time or weren't even there.

It's interesting that 6+14+26+30+19+5 total 100 exactly.

The fact that the distance from Earth to the Sun is used to describe the planets positions from the Solar Systems Centre is extraordinary.

Surely it indicates that "they" thought there is something special about the Planet that is 1AU from the Centre and 1AU to use it the reference to other planets.

This would be a clever way for ET to let us know they know about us, or that we would one day be intelligent enough to decipher the message. Or that one day intelligent life would occupy this planet.

OK. It was just a sine wave but that can't explain the eerie description of our Solar System.

Another few weeks of observations could tell us if the Wow! signal repeats

See also the crop circles in this next link...Is that another attempt to say we are real, and we know you are there?

There is no explanation for these intricate patterns. The maths combined with the trigonometry is one thing but the ability and method to generate the patterns is beyond any method known to us.

Any ground-based machine or persons would leave a trace of their presence. A hovering helicopter would flatten the area.

Drones weren't around when crop circles/patterns were first observed. So that rules those methods out.

Crop Circles are a few minutes into the video!

The Wow! Signal deciphered—it was hydrogen all along, study says

The researchers say that what Big Ear saw in 1977 was the transient brightening of one of several H1 (neutral hydrogen) clouds in the telescope's line of sight. The 1977 signal was similar to what Arecibo saw in many respects. "The only difference between the signals observed in Arecibo and the Wow! Signal is their brightness. It is precisely the similarity between these spectra that suggests a mechanism for the origin of the mysterious signal,"

What's this several "H1 clouds reference"? Wow recorded one event!
So, what did their sign wave look like? Did it have any significant meaning? They don't say, did they consider the possibility?
The authors say these signals are easily explained by an "astrophysical phenomenon".

And that's just another explanation that doesn't explain similarity to our planet's alignments contained in the 6EQUJ5 signal.

Significant or Pure Coincidence?
Aug 15, 2024
That chart jumped out at me as mislabeled. The choice of values seems arbitrary, and not accurate, as the blue vertical lines do not line up neatly with whole numbers. Your interpretation of the values mixes the sequence. Crop circles are known to have been man-made; the authors of the circles have made clear and demonstrated how they made them.
However, scientific analysis of their crop circles, and other crop circles not claimed by them or related to them demonstrated an unexplainable altering of their physical qualities, particularly in the folding. "Fake" circles, or man-made ones, contained simply bent grass. Other crop circles of unknown origin displayed expanded and burst joints at the bend, and there were other unique features that could not be explained.
So crop circles are problematic, as we know some have been man-made. Therefore, it is difficult to include them in a discussion about alien presence.
Personally, I don't think they're here: I know they ARE here, as do millions of people who have experienced alien sightings and interactions, from presidents to police to military (Infamous "tick Tack" videos) to regular people like me. We know, and no esoteric interpretation of a single brief burst from 1800 light years away is needed to persuade anyone. They're here, period.
The WOW signal was most likely where a clump of gas fell onto a neutron star of magnetar class, emitted an intense pulse of energy that excited a cold neutral hydrogen cloud in the line of signt.
Oct 21, 2019
Bowers3934, the graph of the WOW! signal you posted shows that the signal received on Earth was sampled at 12 second intervals to produce the 6EQUJ5 code sequence you mention. However the actual timing of the equipment digital sampling in relation to the incoming signal was purely arbitrary, if the sampling interval start time had been say just one second offset to that actually used then the sampled values would be at different positions on the signal waveform and therefore produce completely different values to the 6EQUJ5 code. So the AU theory is blown clean out of the water I'm afraid. Unless you think that the aliens would know that the receiving equipment on Earth would sample at 12 second intervals (the second being a human made unit of time) and that the samples would fortuitously happen to occur at those particular positions on the signal waveform.
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Dec 4, 2024
That chart jumped out at me as mislabeled. The choice of values seems arbitrary, and not accurate, as the blue vertical lines do not line up neatly with whole numbers. Your interpretation of the values mixes the sequence. Crop circles are known to have been man-made; the authors of the circles have made clear and demonstrated how they made them.
However, scientific analysis of their crop circles, and other crop circles not claimed by them or related to them demonstrated an unexplainable altering of their physical qualities, particularly in the folding. "Fake" circles, or man-made ones, contained simply bent grass. Other crop circles of unknown origin displayed expanded and burst joints at the bend, and there were other unique features that could not be explained.
So crop circles are problematic, as we know some have been man-made. Therefore, it is difficult to include them in a discussion about alien presence.
Personally, I don't think they're here: I know they ARE here, as do millions of people who have experienced alien sightings and interactions, from presidents to police to military (Infamous "tick Tack" videos) to regular people like me. We know, and no esoteric interpretation of a single brief burst from 1800 light years away is needed to persuade anyone. They're here, period.
That chart jumped out at me as mislabeled. The choice of values seems arbitrary, and not accurate, as the blue vertical lines do not line up neatly with whole numbers. Your interpretation of the values mixes the sequence. Crop circles are known to have been man-made; the authors of the circles have made clear and demonstrated how they made them.
However, scientific analysis of their crop circles, and other crop circles not claimed by them or related to them demonstrated an unexplainable altering of their physical qualities, particularly in the folding. "Fake" circles, or man-made ones, contained simply bent grass. Other crop circles of unknown origin displayed expanded and burst joints at the bend, and there were other unique features that could not be explained.
So crop circles are problematic, as we know some have been man-made. Therefore, it is difficult to include them in a discussion about alien presence.
Personally, I don't think they're here: I know they ARE here, as do millions of people who have experienced alien sightings and interactions, from presidents to police to military (Infamous "tick Tack" videos) to regular people like me. We know, and no esoteric interpretation of a single brief burst from 1800 light years away is needed to persuade anyone. They're here, period.
This article today
may account for the AU distances being out of order. And Mercury and Venus missing.
6EQUJ5 numbers may relate to planetary positions 1800LY ago!
Oct 21, 2019
Thanks Billslugg, but 6EQUJ5 is what it is. Not perfect but this article today
may account for the distances being out of order. And Mercury and Venus missing.
6EQUJ5 numbers may relate to planetary positions 1800LY ago!
A Light Year (LY) is a unit of distance, not time.

Also I note you haven't commented on my post that pointed out that the digital sampling timing that resulted in the 6EQUJ5 sequence was purely arbitrary and a different sampling interval or start time would have resulted in a completely different sequence?
Dec 4, 2024
The original article on the WOW signal said that the signal travelled 1800LY.
That being the case it originated 1800LY ago. (I am not pedantic)
The report said the sample rate was every 10 seconds.
The values were not arbitrary, they represented signal strength.
Who knows what other surprises might have happened if the sample rate had been different. (We mightn't be having this conversation?)
My interest in this was the values that coincided with the planet's positions.
So coincidental to be interesting enough to question the possibility that it contained evidence that ET was involved in its generation.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Oct 21, 2019
The original article on the WOW signal said that the signal travelled 1800LY.
That being the case it originated 1800LY ago. (I am not pedantic)
The report said the sample rate was every 10 seconds.
The values were not arbitrary, they represented signal strength.
Who knows what other surprises might have happened if the sample rate had been different. (We mightn't be having this conversation?)
My interest in this was the values that coincided with the planet's positions.
So coincidental to be interesting enough to question the possibility that it contained evidence that ET was involved in its generation.
Nothing more, nothing less.
As the signal originated 1800 light years away it originated 1800 years ago.
The graph of the signal you posted shows the sample rate as every 12 seconds. ( 5 sampling intervals between 0 and 60 seconds on the graph, 5 sampling intervals between 60 seconds and 120 seconds, 5 sampling intervals between 120 seconds and 180 seconds, so the interval is 12 seconds). The sampled values were entirely arbitrary, as a different sampling interval or sample start time relative to the signal would have resulted in completely different values to the 6EQUJ5 values that were recorded. Can you not understand that? Your hypothesis implies that the aliens would have known exactly the sampling intervals and timings used by the scientists who recorded the signal.
Dec 4, 2024
I am ending here as I don't like your inference that I could be incapable of understanding your analysis.
So, what if the sample rate was 12 seconds? The result produced and recorded 6EQUJ5 which is what was interesting.
Oct 21, 2019
Bowers3934, no offence was intended, I just wasn't sure if you had understood my point about the arbitrary nature of the sampling and the resultant recorded values.

In relation to your "YES" response does that reflect your belief that 1800 years ago aliens sent a message to Earth and they somehow knew in advance the digital sampling intervals and timing that would be used to record the signal? That seems most improbable (to put it mildly)!

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