X-rays from a nuclear explosion could redirect an asteroid

I beg to differ with this strategy. A nuke would probably gives us radioactive meteorites.

And I disagree with the rifle shotgun comparison. If we give the intruder more surface area, that should remove the danger from it.

If the asteroid is chopped up and spread out, it will not reach the surface. Any fragments that do get thru will just be local damage. For now, our best bet for a confirmed missile is to bust it up as much as possible. Let our atmosphere shield us. If the dinosaur killer was a sand pile, we probably wouldn’t be here.

And I think the energy and mass of 25 fragments will be much less than from one large part. We just need to increase the surface area. The burn rate.

Use only impactors with conventional explosives for fragmentation. Bunker busters. Explode inside asteroid. Mass velocity might be enough with correct angle. With a recoil-less machine gun action.

Chop chop.


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