In the Wall Street Journal today (2004 Sep 14) there is the following article:<br /><br />"No Movie, No Frequent-Flier Plan -- and No Gravity Either"<br />By J. Lynn Lunsford<br /><br />I do not have a link to the online version of the article, but the company can be found at:<br /> http://www.zerogcorp.com/<br /><br /><b><font color="yellow">Summary</font>/b><br /><br /><ul type="square"><li>Co-founder and CEO is Peter Diamandis, founder and promoter of the X-Prize.<br /></li></ul><br /><ul type="square"><li>A modified Boeing 727 makes 20 parabolic flights, with each arc having about 25 seconds of weightlessness.<br /></li></ul><br /><ul type="square"><li> Other flight profiles can simulate Moon and Mars gravity.<br /></li></ul><br /><ul type="square"><li> The plane carries 27 paying customers. The cost is $2,950.<br /></li></ul><br /><ul type="square"><li> Initially planning on filling 2 trips in the first month, they have already sold 20 trips.<br /></li></ul><br /><ul type="square"><li> Commercial interests is high. So far Cabury Schweppes has signed on as a sponsor to promote its zero-calorie drink. Movie companies have contacted them. Companies are offering the flights as part of employee incentive programs.<br /></li></ul><br /><br />Here are some other news links:<br /><br />http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/040914/nytu062_1.html<br /><br />http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/news/archive/2004/09/14/financial0955EDT0050.DTL<br /></b>