Recent content by Robert brownsea

  1. R

    Ball in a box

    Hi. I write mathematical stories then study them as subjects. My hobby .haven't published any thing yet. If an electron and the earth was the same size and the electron was put in a box. Volume of ball =52.36% Volume of box =47.64% Electron diameter = 500. Nano meters MN Ok were the story is...
  2. R

    How many moons in my shadow

    I make up mathematical stories for my manuscript. Haven't published any thing. Here is one such story.hide the moon in the shadow provided by the sun when the and moon are in straight line. If you look down from above and look at the two meridian lines that travel out from the earth...
  3. R

    Voyager 1 verses remainder theorem

    The voyager 1 has traveled 20.2 billion kms now the remainder theorem suggests that our earth has gone around the sun21262.26264157 times. I mean I know that it's not the case but! So 21262 years would have to pass before our earth traveled 20.2 billion kms Were as in actual fact our earth has...