
Forum discussion tagged with cosmology.
  1. Arcangelo1990

    Relationship between the expansion of the universe and the fine-structure constant.

    I have written a short paper (attached) in which I try to link the fine-structure constant to the accelerated expansion of the universe. I would like to submit it for peer review, but I’m not sure if what I have written is scientifically acceptable, as I haven’t had the chance to discuss it with...
  2. johntitor

    What are the prerequisites for cosmology?

    if someone could tell me the math and science prerequisites then that would be pretty cool, also some books to read once I have met those prerequisites.
  3. marcin

    Both spatially and temporally flat universe expansion caused by the decrease of CMB energy leads straight to CCC

    I thought I couldn't post it as text because of the amount of links, but after removing 95% of them I had the same problem, so I'm posting the screenshot and appending the link to the original post on WordPress. My "physical" cause of the transition between the cycles is mathematical...
  4. 7icarus7

    Solution to singularity problem, Solution to infinite density problem!

    Solution to singularity problem, Solution to infinite density problem! The biggest problem with black holes is the singularity problem. This singularity denies application of the existing laws of physics and it is unnatural for a certain substantial object to have infinite density of energy...
  5. M

    A New Perspective Of Universe

    For the earliest model to suggest this the way I have I welcome all to engage with me on this understanding of the cosmos. Hello everyone, Please do not dismiss this idea outright; let's discuss it and aim to bring a better understanding of the cosmos to the world! I propose that what we...
  6. marcin

    Request for permission to share a post from

    I'm asking for this permission because I want to attract as much attention as possible to the lack of the basic, scientific integrity of Astronomy and Astronomy Meta Stack Exchange trying to conceal a fundamental error in cosmology. I've managed to share my post on's chat...
  7. Space Ponder

    Why the current model of the universe breaks a fundamental law, that energy cannot be created nor destroyed.

    Why the current model of the universe breaks a fundamental law, that energy cannot be created nor destroyed. The arrow of time is often defined in the universe as the ever-increasing entropy. The reason for this is that an hour earlier, there was even lower entropy, and the day before...
  8. L

    Could This Be True?

    I have a question to ask people that know or understand a lot about the universe and mathematics. So the question is this: "If the reference point of light doesn't experience time due to time dilation at higher speeds, does this mean that time stops? If time would stop would this mean that...
  9. 7icarus7

    Dark energy is gravitational self-energy or the gravitational action of the gravitational field

    The source of dark energy is gravitational self-energy or the gravitational action of the gravitational field! 1. Gravitational potential energy is negative energy 1) Alan Guth said 2) Stephen Hawking also said Both said that gravitational potential energy is negative energy and is the true...
  10. Captain Nemesis

    Universe evolution - my view based on all the data I have gathered so far

    I have been contemplating Universe origins for a past few years. Even when we are not conscious our mind, filled with all the knowledge we have collected, works in the background. Yesterday, I received the answer which I will reveal to the general audience here and now. First I want to thank...
  11. V

    Question Where moment of inertia came from? Interaction with primordial matter that may be dark matter?

    How big bang and inflation from singularity result in introduction of spin to as-formed matter? This question was posted in...
  12. Advent Guard Life

    The Universe Solar-System comes after the Big-Bang in space.

  13. T

    The expansion of the Universe and analysis of our Universe

    Greetings, First of all, I am not a scientist. Nor do I work in the scientific field...If this is something that bothers you, you can leave right now if you wish to have insights only from experts. However all I can say is that I think, analyze and read a lot about science, space, nuclear...
  14. simpleorcomplex

    What is the composition of Universe in terms of types of stars?

    There are - Main Sequence Stars - Red Giants - White Dwarfs - Red Dwarfs - Neutron Stars and other types of Stars. How many % of stars are Main Sequence? How many are Red Giants? and so on. I searched around and found some info, but it's confusing me. For example, I found that 90% stars are...
  15. rameshwarjamwal

    The fifth and sixth forces of Universe, as viewed from a different angle

    The Ultimate Theory of the Cosmos? By Rameshwar Singh Jamwal Cosmology and High Energy Physics are not my forte but my write up and YouTube presentations on Corona Virus, had concluded that Indian Philosophy offers the best possible way to fight it on long term basis. Darwin’s Theory of...