<blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr /><p>I'll admit that his business case seems a bit of a stretch<p><hr /></p></p></blockquote><br />emphasis on the word <b>seems</b>. i dont run a big hotel suite, and i probably never could because i couldnt wrap my head around all the stuff needed to run such a huge successful business.<br />Now the other factor here is, that we dont know the details, and we never will. Who would be so stupid and publish all the details of how he intends to create a new Microsoft of space, paving the way for competition ?<br /><br />Bigelow is not NASA, obligated to tell us everything, and especially the details of his business plan. He apparently does not need investors either, so he might not be telling anybody. <br />Masten space, a much smaller player in private space field, has hinted several times that they intend to make profit on flying suborbital but their target market is not tourists, they arent telling either who IS.<br /><br />so i call for a stop of armchair business analysis and lets get back to armchair space engineering nerdlichkeit <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /> because half-informed opinions are not necessarily the smartest ones to throw around.