<br />The total annual budget for space of Europe, Russia and China is less than $3 billion... only NASA has (and will have) a budget for serious space projects... so, NASA projects are the only REAL space projects in the world... and now the "HOT" project is VSE/ESAS<br /><br />I don't know if VSE/ESAS plan is only a "sketch" (that may have many changes in next years) or a TRUE and DEFINITIVE plan (also in its little details!)<br /><br />in both case, any good suggestion may help "the plan" to be better, safer, cheaper, and faster<br /><br />"my" opinion is that the VSE/ESAS plan and its "hardware" (as planned to-day) are FULL of real and potential "mistakes"<br /><br />then, after the thread about 1st stage of CLV, I post a thread about its 2nd stage<br /><br />while the problem with 1st stage is (my opinion, of course) that it can't stop burning at lift-off for a safe launch-abort... the main problem with the 2nd stage is the OPPOSITE<br /><br />the 2nd stage of CLV will use a SINGLE engine, instead of a redundant multi-engines design, so, if it don't works, the CEV/CLV will abort, the crew may have some risks and the ENTIRE moon missions will fails (after a launch-abort, NASA can't try again without MONTHS of investigation to know the real problem of the accident!)<br /><br />in the Apollo13 launch, despite the 2nd stage's central engine fault, the apollo-system reached the orbit with the other four 2nd stage engines<br /><br />the engine will be the same (earth-started) Shuttles' derived SSME, but with some changes for "air-start"<br /><br />the earth-start version was tested 300+ times in TRUE launches, while the new version and its reliability are completely unknown<br /><br />it may work LIKE the past SSME... or BETTER... or WORSE<br /><br />as reported in the posts of two uplink's users, the earth-start SSME have had FIVE faults (with launch abort) that mean a 4.5% of faults compared with all Shuttles' launch<br /><br />that figure may appear "very little"... but, with 25-35 orbit