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OK, we all know how BLACKholes work. Photons cannot escape the gravitational pull etc. But photons are not the only bosons. There are the other W/Z, gluons and the infamous Higgs boson. Is it possible to have a strong/weak hole? What about the concept of a um...Higgs hole? (Something so dense that gravity can't escape???)

I was thinking about this because particles could be strong/weak-holes and when they emit various lesser particles it is on a similar process to Hawking Radiation.


I agree, there is a slightly different "event horizon", for different kinds of bosens, particles and different assumptions. Emphasis on slightly.
If a particle has penetrated the event horizon from within, and is about to fall back into the black hole, but emits a photon, the photon will escape the black hole, if it is launched away from the black hole. Likely occurs rarely. Neil
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