<p><BR/>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>I'm really trying to get a handle on the bleeding (planetary ring) effects seen in the SOHO Lasco-C2 and C3 images. It would seem to me that there is some bleeding going on in the horizontal axis that tends to resemble a "ring" of sorts around the light source. I've notice this effect on almost every bright object in the image, not simply planet that are known to have rings. I'm most puzzled by the "pulsing" nature of these image artifiacts. Can you briefly explain to me what's going on in these images, and why that bleeding occurs? I'm trying to understand why the bleeding seems to be restricted the horizontal axis, and why there are different pulse rates for different ring artifacts.I'm also curious if you ever had a chance to get an explanation as to why that blue Hinode images appeared to show movement between the photosphere and the coronal loop images. I sure that's an image artifact as well, but I'm not sure how to explain it. <br />Posted by michaelmozina</DIV><br /><br />Rather than me trying to explain it from memory, this is from the SOHO FAQ:</p><p>"</p><h1 class="right">What are those flying saucer-shaped objects in the LASCO images?</h1><p class="right_p">The "funny-looking spheroid" is a typical response of the SOHO LASCO coronagraph CCD detector to an object (planet or bright star) of small angular extent but so bright that it saturates the CCD camera so that "bleeding" occurs along pixel rows. There is a bright horizontal streak on either side of the image, because the charge leaks easier along the direction in which the CCD image is read out by the associated electronics. </p><p class="right_p">CCD stands for charge-coupled detector, and refers to a silicon chip, usually a centimeter or two across, divided into a grid of cells, each of which acts like a small photomultiplier in that an incoming photon knocks loose one or more electrons. The electrons are "read out" by row (fast direction) and column (slow direction), the current converted to a digital signal, and each cell or picture element ("pixel") thus assigned a digital value proportional to the the number of incoming photons in that pixel (the brightness of the part of the image falling on that pixel). This is the same kind of detector as is used in a hand-held video camera, though until recently, the analog-to-digital conversion was left out in consumer devices. </p><p class="right_p">If you point a video camera at a very bright source (say, the Sun), the image "blooms" or brightens all over --- there are so many electrons produced in the pixels corresponding to the bright source that they spill over into adjacent rows and column, perhaps over the entire detector. Better CCD's will "bleed" only along the fast readout direction (a single row), and perhaps a few adjacent rows. </p><p class="right_p">The LASCO and EIT CCD cameras include "anti-bleed" electronics which limit the pixel bleeding around bright sources to less than the full row (and usually no adjacent rows). In the case of a marginally too-bright object, the pixel bleeding will be only a few pixels in either direction along the fast readout direction. Thus, the "flying saucer" images.</p><p class="right_p"> </p><p class="right_p">Regarding question number 2, I'll have to go back and look at them again, that was quite a while ago.</p><p class="right_p">Wayne </p> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#000080"><em><font color="#000000">But the Krell forgot one thing John. Monsters. Monsters from the Id.</font></em> </font></p><p><font color="#000080">I really, really, really, really miss the "first unread post" function</font><font color="#000080"> </font></p> </div>