A new planet?

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Speaking of new planets, for anyone who hasn't seen this other thread yet:<br /><br />http://uplink.space.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=sciastro&Number=432644&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=0&fpart=1&vc=1<br /><br />Quick summary:<br /><br />Apparently based on observations from the European Southern Observatory, with ESA TV broadcast on January 25 and article in Nature magazine on January 26:<br /><br />http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewsr.html?pid=19362<br />http://television.esa.int/default.cfm#<br /><br />Also this post, referring to a possible smaller (lower mass) planet, from the Slacker Astronomy blog (covering the AAS meeting):<br /><br />http://sa-blog.livejournal.com<br /><br />See the "extrasolar planets are HAWT!" post for January 10:<br /><br /><i>"A funny thing happened to me on my way to the forum. A poster just 2 slots down from my own had a big sign and red cross on it. The sign read: "This poster has been withdrawn due to anm embargo and will appear in the January 26 issue of nature." (paraphrase) From the title (the only other thing we could read), it was about the discovery of a low mass extrasolar planet. So far most planets have been larger than Earth. Is this the first Earth-sized planet? We'll find out in about 2 weeks when Nature releases its grip."</i><br />


I fell in love with this stuff thanks to an anima called Sailor Moon. I will try to check the Washigton post paper to find that magzine.
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