A 'primordial' black hole may zoom through our solar system every decade

This article seems to have some quantitative analysis deficits.

If there are enough primordial black holes around to account for "dark matter" I have already posted in another thread how many would be in a given volume, and what that means for how many would be in our solar system, planet, even our individual bodies, depending on the size/mass postulated for the black holes.

If there are enough black holes with the mass of an average asteroid to be about 6 times more mass than everything we can see in our solar system, then there must be a lot of them here all of the time - more than 6 times the mass of the Sun' worth of "dark matter".

So, the idea that they are not likely to hit anything seems absurd, considering that we are seeing comets and asteroids hitting things. Dark matter black holes would hit things more often. So, why no inexplicable explosions or implosions?

Or, if the "primordial black holes" were fewer but much more massive than the average asteroid, say the mass of the Moon, Earth, Jupiter, etc., with enough of them to total 6 times the mass of the Sun, we should be seeing all sorts of inexplicable changes to the orbits of planets.

I don't have a problem with people looking for things like black holes in the local area. But, a proposal like this would not get a funding vote from me, because it seems to have not had the homework done that is necessary to even know how to look in a realistic manner.
I don’t think space has volume, area or dimension. Only mass and field have such. For some reason man can not concept emptiness. So we give it properties it doesn’t have. And the first thing we do is size it. But emptiness can not be sized.

There is some kind of want and need for it. And they prove it by measuring it.

But how do you measure emptiness? And what do you compare it to? Does emptiness have a scale? Temperature perhaps? Space doesn’t have a temperature.

Only matter and field are relevant. Are in existence. Have temperature. The space between objects does not exist. Only the distance does.

But man can not concept this. Existence within non-existence. The concept of empty distance. Non connected distance. The distance between objects becomes a thing. An entity, instead of just distance. And even worse, now, the character of distance can change. This is how bad it has become.

The energy of space is not from space. It’s just field motion thru space. The energy measure is just a superposition and time and location. A false superposition. Of orphan field motion. A non interactive superposition.

I stand at the center. There is a person in the north. There is a speaker in the west and in the east.

1000Hz from the west and the north hears it. If I put 1000Hz from the east and in phase, the north hears twice the intensity. If I put east out of phase, the north hears nothing. And measures nothing.

Now change speakers for lasers. Or flashlights. If I put them out of phase, will the north feel or see anything? You bet he will. OUCH.

Wave superposition is much different from light superposition. Because light is not a wave.

And it interacts differently than waves do. It has duty cycle, not wave frequency.

Using duty cycle requires no spacetime to explain our measurements. With solid constants.

I don’t believe in space. Just distance. Nothing can wave in it. Can’t wave distance.
A black hole is likely only a half or less of the circular evolutionary game. The rest of the story being a black hole evolving a transparency of white hole matter-energy, like a galaxy maybe, or star matter dusts and more, from primordial shadow matter, aetheral-like dark matter, that was a black hole, a lot of black holes, in the background of its existence:
Something like this as a rounding constant in and of time.
Jul 16, 2024
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This article seems to have some quantitative analysis deficits.

If there are enough primordial black holes around to account for "dark matter" I have already posted in another thread how many would be in a given volume, and what that means for how many would be in our solar system, planet, even our individual bodies, depending on the size/mass postulated for the black holes.

If there are enough black holes with the mass of an average asteroid to be about 6 times more mass than everything we can see in our solar system, then there must be a lot of them here all of the time - more than 6 times the mass of the Sun' worth of "dark matter".

So, the idea that they are not likely to hit anything seems absurd, considering that we are seeing comets and asteroids hitting things. Dark matter black holes would hit things more often. So, why no inexplicable explosions or implosions?

Or, if the "primordial black holes" were fewer but much more massive than the average asteroid, say the mass of the Moon, Earth, Jupiter, etc., with enough of them to total 6 times the mass of the Sun, we should be seeing all sorts of inexplicable changes to the orbits of planets.

I don't have a problem with people looking for things like black holes in the local area. But, a proposal like this would not get a funding vote from me, because it seems to have not had the homework done that is necessary to even know how to look in a realistic manner.
I think you fail to take into account how compact a black hole is. An Earth mass black hole for instance would be smaller than a ping-pong ball. Now take something the size of 6 ping-pong balls and calculate the odds of it hitting anything in the vastness of space.

Being so compact and depending on how fast they are moving in relation to the solar system the odds of one gravitationally interacting with and/or colliding with the Earth or any other planet in the inner solar system are infinitesimally small.
I think you fail to take into account how compact a black hole is. An Earth mass black hole for instance would be smaller than a ping-pong ball. Now take something the size of 6 ping-pong balls and calculate the odds of it hitting anything in the vastness of space.

Being so compact and depending on how fast they are moving in relation to the solar system the odds of one gravitationally interacting with and/or colliding with the Earth or any other planet in the inner solar system are infinitesimally small.
No, I did take into account how small they are, and used it to calculate how numerous they would have to be to make up all of the "missing mass" in the volume of our solar system.

As for not hitting anything, the smaller sizes would be so numerous that there would be some inside the Earth at all times, assuming roughly uniform distribution in space.

And, the larger ones would either be slow and therefore here all of the time, interacting gravitationally, or there would need to be a large number of them passing through at the very high speeds you suggest.

There is just no way to have 6 times as much mass as we can see somehow existing as black holes in our solar system without expecting interactions of some type with the matter we can see. And nowhere near as rarely as this article suggests.

Maybe somebody can come up with an hypothesis that the "primordial black holes about the size of a hydrogen atom" would not interact with regular atoms at all. But, that is hard to believe. It sounds like another version of WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) that nobody has been able to find, so far. And, such tiny black holes are hypothesized to have evaporated by emitting "Hawking Radiation" billions of years ago, anyway.

Now, if you give up on the idea that these postulated black holes account for all of the missing mass, then you can imagine whatever you want to imagine about how many there are, how fast they are moving, etc. If you have no observable constraints in your "theory", then you can theorize anything.

As I said, in my first post, I have no objection to looking for black holes, just don't try to gaslight me with unsupported statements about physics or probability. If you want to argue, you are going to have to show your math.
Feb 8, 2020
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Now change speakers for lasers. Or flashlights. If I put them out of phase, will the north feel or see anything? You bet he will. OUCH.
No, if you polarize the lazar beam 50% ordinary rays disappear and if you 90 degree a second sheet of polaroid sheet then all disappears because EM light consists of spinning magnoflux which needs 2 cycles spinning in one direction to balance the inertia and a voltage or push focus to drive it energessly forward.
The missing mass, the "six times the Solar System mass", is not all located inside the Solar System planet zone. The unseen DM also has the spherical volume with a radius half way to the nearest star, or 125,000 AU. The total volume of this zone is 8E15 cubic AU. The total volume inside Uranus' 20 AU radius orbit is 3E4 cubic AU. The proportion of the DM excess mass inside our planetary zone is but six times 4E-12 of the total Solar System mass of 2E30 kg, or 5E19 kg. This would be the mass of a single rocky asteroid of 280 km diameter. Located arbitrarily in the total 125,000 radius of the Solar System, we would not be able to image it. If it were in the form of Black Holes or small asteroids, same problem. Any local orbital gravitational inconsistencies would be in the noise.
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If there is undetected mass of any kind it must be remarkably uniformly distributed,
otherwise we would have already detected it.

[personal tangent]
If BHs are singularities [my current hypothesis] then they don't/wouldn't respond gravitationally to visible matter & that lack of response is one of my gripes about other DM proposals.

The uniform distribution is also less of a problem because of that lack of response means when a BH is positioned it would tend to stay there, with only nudges from matter infalling/colliding to/with it.

I wonder if we should be seeing vortices of infalling matter in the Oort cloud or somewhere.
I would think that would heat the matter & make it more discernable.


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