A World Space Organization for a Mission to Mars

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Certainly our generation of cut-throat politicians and entrepreneurs can imagine a greater venture then returning to the same place visited four decades earlier. Has this generation lost the drive their parents had to attempt the lunar landings in the first place? Are we reliving past glories, so unimaginative and reliant on our computers and political leaders that we've forgotten our natural dexterity and ingenuity? Well, NASA is too afraid to leave orbit, someone might get hurt. That wild audacity which drove explorers and pioneers to settle this land we inhabit today, sure doesn't thrive in the blood of our fractured leadership. What do they know besides how best line their pockets.
This is the 21st Century, and it's time we reached further than the moon or orbit. Isn't it?
It's too expensive you say. Feed the poor. Global warming is more important.
“A Coalition of the Willing” could be found to share research and expenses on a Mars Mandate. The Nation or organization that arrives first sets the rules doesn't it. Sell Mars to fund its development. Cut out NASA and government incompetence and any plan is suddenly much cheaper. Obama could do well to call for the formation of a World Space Organization and show his willingness to cooperate internationally on a grand human endeavor. It would be a positive legacy to leave our children this century instead of a ruined polluted planet with greedy money worshiping ways. Mars beckons, ladies and gentlemen, packed with challenge and filled with unfathomable secrets and possibilities, it is the salvation of our nation, possibly the world, believe it or not. Greater men than I have said it for ages, now the red planet is within our collective fingertips. A twenty first century with a planet's knowledge and exploration ahead of it will be more prosperous and progressive than any other.We as the super power have much to learn on sustainable living, that much is apparent just look at our deficit. These lessons could be learned on Mars. Declaring a mission to Mars by 2020 would invigorate our slumbering economy, add some spark to the international space effort and advance our collective knowledge of the universe and who knows, the knowledge and experiences gained on Mars could inspire our children into dreaming bigger than a 200 MB I-pod and 12 ton Hummer.
If we returned to the moon before Mars, it will prove we reached our nation's apex 40 years ago, and believe it or not, are now in decline. http://www.worldspaceorganization.com Cooperation in the Quest for knowledge.



Would Corporations help fund an International Mars misson?

Certainly our generation of cut-throat politicians and entrepreneurs can imagine a greater venture then returning to the same place visited four decades earlier. Has this generation lost the drive their parents had to attempt the lunar landings? Are we wishing to relive past glories, so unimaginative and reliant on our computers and cars we've forgotten our nation's dexterity and ingenuity?
Corporations and Global institutions have much to gain from a Mars Mission. A planet with all its secrets and riches are up for the taking. Huge amounts of Resources and minerals could be claimed and found, unfathomable discovers and enough knowledge for all the scientists and academics on the planet. The lessons learned on sustainable living would benefit us this century, and our grand children the next.
Cooperating in the Quest for knowledge, assist the World Space Organization in fulfilling its Mars mandate.

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