Absolute zero


"Don't criticize what you can't understand..."
Apr 5, 2020
Why does cold have an absolute have an absolute 0 at 4 and 59 degrees Fahrenheit while energy has no limit? And what force is behind entity of cold?
First of all, although I don't think that 4 degree or 59 degree Fahrenheit is absolute zero.
Secondly, absolute zero is the temperature where everything is at perfect order or has zero entropy. At absolute zero, there is no disorder, so there is no heat.
Thirdly, absolute zero is impossible to reach because it will take infinite energy to have perfect order (Refer to the Third Law of Thermodynamics).
And last but not the least, cold is not an entity. Cold is relative. Heat is an entity, it has a definition in Physics.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Absolute zero, temperature at which a thermodynamic system has the lowest energy. It corresponds to −273.15 °C on the Celsius temperature scale and to −459.67 °F on the Fahrenheit temperature scale.

That solved, it is when no molecules or atoms in that exact llocation have any energy left. Just because it is zero'here' it doesn't mean that energy isn't still somewhere else in the Universe.

Cat :)
Last edited:
Mar 19, 2020
Why does cold have an absolute have an absolute 0 at 4 and 59 degrees Fahrenheit while energy has no limit? And what force is behind entity of cold?

An interesting aspect of approaching absolute zero is the formation, in a lab, of a unique form of matter known as a "Bose-Einstein Condensate". This is regular matter cooled very close to absolute zero, and which behaves in very unique ways. As I have little experience with them, best you see about them in the link below. It makes for some remarkable reading! And you might find some leads in your quest for information regarding super low temperatures.


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