Voyager4D,<br /><br />Like spacester said, this is an American led.<br /><br />We offer a plan, a plan to become space-faring. Now that is what many current groups already offer, but we are different then them. Along with our plan comes something the rest don't have, we also have a financing plan. <br /><br />We know that the space advocacy groups are widely splintered into many different strategies. Some want the Moon to be our main goal, some want to only settle Mars, and others want to go straight to the asteroids. Our plan offers something for all of those. We have a plan that has the potential to unite the splintered space advocacy groups. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /><br /><br />But other than that, we will appeal our plan to average people; Joe worker, Joe Sixpack. We will appeal our plan to the entire America. We know that not everyone will buy it. Not everyone will donate. In fact, we only think we can get 20% of the people to donate...39 million Americans.<br /><br />Why do we think we can even get that many? <br /><br />We will offer a space program with clear cut, tangible goals. They will be able to <i>see</i> what we are working for.<br /><br />We will keep the program understandable, keep everyone informed of it's progress. We will work to keep everything public in an understandable format.<br /><br />We will get students from K - Grad School involved to help toward accomplishing the goals. <b>They</b> can do something to help get people to the Moon or Mars. Getting the kids excited will have a huge impact on everyone else. Children's enthusiasm can carry out and be contagious.<br /><br />We will offer something other than a dependency on NASA to make us space-faring. As much as I respect NASA, we can not depend on them to do something like that. They are caught up in a governmental mess. Their funding comes from Congress, with it's short attention span which results in fluctuating, inconsistent funding. It is hard to accomplish huge and great things in a situati