In what manner can crank science disturb real science in any form or fashion. Does physics need protection? Guarded? Can it be polluted?
Perhaps we could restate the question of whether or not there are benefits in separating the ATM (Against the Mainstream) posts from mainstream science?
There are several benefits, IMO, in separating the two.
1) An ATM section would help everyone understand that something novel may, or may not, be proposed. For those knowledgeable enough to understand the arguments, they can help support or counter the claims made. Any claim that is false would need modification or dismissal for that science to advance.
This may require the proposer to be willing to take the scientific scrutiny that may come.
But not every weird thought is ATM, When someone comes here and asks a question that clearly suggests ATM ideas, then this isn't something that would need to be moved to an ATM section. However, sometimes questions are disguised for this reason and it soon becomes an ATM claim
2) Newcomers might be discouraged by a lot of scientific hand-waving. Unbridled ATM posts, if numerous enough, will discourage growth, IMO.
3) A website that allows free ideas to surface and be discussed is one of the reasons I come here, so the above is not meant to discourage this feature.
4) The problem, I suspect, is the burden it puts on moderators. How will the moderator know whether some advanced looking idea is counter to mainstream? There are a ton of legitimate theories for Inflation, DE, Dark Matter, etc. that await objective tests that will support or falsify them. How does one look at them and tell if any of the claims are already false?
Then there's the concern a poster may have, or may not have, regarding their ideas being classified as ATM.
I've been active on more than this astronomy website. One site has a number of advanced amateurs, physicists, astronomers with the majority being amateur astronomers or having other science interests. They force all ATM posts into an ATM forum where the poster is required to defend all those that present scientific scrutiny of their claim. If any one claim survives the scrutiny, it could lead to an advancement of science, To the best of my knowledge, this has never happened, unfortunately.
Though each non-ATM thread reveals mainstream knowledge, unfortunately, you won't find that site growing much, AFAIK.
There may be ways to address this ATM issue, but this should be discussed between moderators, not us, I suppose.
I am a little slow. I can’t see the concern or worry of it. Other or new ideas have never given me doubt of what I have worked with. And lived with. And taught my children.
I suspect this is another "kind" vs. "degree" question. There's only so many bell peppers you can put on my plate before I leave the table. I want the enjoyable stuff, and wild scientific word salads are only ok in ...moderation (pun intended

For me physics is motion, not math. Math is only valid after understanding.
Someone, perhaps Einstein, once said that if you can't explain your math, then you don't understand the physics. But math is what leads to new areas of discovery. It was the math in Einstein's GR that opened the door to the BBT. It was also GR that gave us blackholes thanks to the math-crunching of Schwarzschild.