I would like to propose we have a system of agreed terms so that we know what we are talking about. This is particularly urgent, in my opinion, when we stray into philosophical matters, such as those regarding the Universe, Black Holes, Singularities and similar questions. I use the word "philosophical" only to include items of cosmology which might be excluded on the basis that science rejects anything which cannot be observed and/or measured, and subject to experiment.
May I please kick off with the word Universe. I will plead my case, but please chip in if you want a plurality of universes, or alternate realities.
First I would like to quote some dictionaries and books on cosmology.
Oxford Dictionary of Astronomy Ian Ridpath OUP 2011.
"Universe Everything that exists, including space, time and matter. The study of the Universe is known as cosmology. Cosmologists distinguish between the Universe, with a capital U, meaning the cosmos and all its contents, and universe with a small u, which is usually a mathematical model derived from some physical theory. The real Universe consists mostly of apparently empty space, with matter concentrated into galaxies consisting of stars and gas. The Universe is expanding, so the space between galaxies is gradually stretching, causing a cosmological red shift in the light from distant objects. There is now strong evidence that space is filled with unseen dark matter that may have many times the mass of the visible galaxies; and even more mass may be accounted for by a still-mysterious dark energy. The most favoured concept of the origin of the Universe is the "Big Bang Theory [BBT], according to which the Universe came into being in a hot, dense fireball 13.7 billion years ago."
The Icon Critical Dictionary of The New Cosmology Ed Peter Coles Icon Books 1998.
Universe The entirety of all that exists. The Greek word cosmos, the root of cosmology, means the same; cosmology is the study of the Universe. This definition seems relatively straightforward, but there are some confusing subtleties, and linguistic confusion. For example, what do we mean by exist?
There are over two ages elaborating. I would summarise, that there is the view of science that only that which can be observed qualifies as Universe. "For some scientists what really exists is the laws of physics; our Universe is merely a consequence, or an outcome of these laws. . . . . . . . . . But do these laws exist, or did we invent them? Is mathematics an intrinsic property of the world, or is it simply a human invention that helps us to describe that world, in much the same way as a language? . . . . . . . . . If the Universe is the entirety of all that exists, then our model universe cannot be embedded in anything. What is outside the Universe must be something that does not exist. It does not therefore make any sense to think of there being anything outside the Universe."
Universe: The Definitive Visual Guide Ed. Martin Rees DK 2012
"The Universe is all of existence - all of space and time and all the matter and energy within it. . . . . . . . . . The Universe encompasses everything from the smallest atom to the largest galaxy cluster, and yet it seems that all are governed by the same basic laws.
Note: In the more specialised texts on cosmology, it is perhaps understandably more difficult to find definitions of Universe. It is taken for granted, unless stated to the contrary, that the accepted definitions, such as the above, apply. Any mentions of "other universes" will be documented.
Bang! The Complete History of the Universe. Brian May Patrick Moore Chris Lintott
Carlton Books 2006.
"Everything, space, time and matter, came into existence with a 'Big Bang' around 13.7 billion years
ago. The Universe then was a strange place - as alien as it could possibly be. . . . . . . . . . how big is the Universe? Either the Universe is of finite size or it isn't. If finite, what lies outside it? The question is meaningless - space itself exists only within the Universe, and literally there is therefore no 'outside'. On the other hand, to say the Universe is infinite is really to say that its size is not definable.
Cosmology A Very Short Introduction Peter Coles OUP 2001
"The word cosmology itself is derived from the Greek cosmos meaning the world as an ordered system or whole. The emphasis is just as much on order as on wholeness, for in Greek the opposite of cosmos is chaos. . . . . . . . . . The advent of mathematical reasoning, and the idea that one can learn about the physical world using logic and reason marked the beginning of the scientific era."
"In the modern era of cosmology . . . . . . began with a complete rewrite of the laws of Nature. (Einstein) demolished Newton's conception of space and time . . . . . . great works by Friedman, Lemaitre, and de Sitter formulated a new and complex language for the mathematical description of the Universe." Einstein's theory plays a fundamental conceptual role in modern cosmology. Hubble's observation of galaxies led to the observation that the Universe is expanding, and Penzias and Wilson discovered the cosmic microwave background (CMB) considered by many as proof that the Universe began with the Big Bang. Whilst accepted by most cosmologists "as being essentially correct, as far as it goes . . . . . . it is important to realise that the Big Bang is not complete. "For one thing, Einstein's theory itself breaks down at the very beginning of the Universe. The Big Bang is an example of what relativity theorists call a singularity, a point where the mathematics fall to pieces and measurable quantities become infinite. While we know how the Universe is expected to evolve from a given stage, the singularity makes it impossible to know from first principles what the Universe should look like in the beginning. . . . . . . . . . Most cosmologists interpret the Big Bang singularity in much the same way as the Black Hole singularity . . . i.e., as meaning that Einstein's equations break down at some point in the early Universe due to the extreme physical conditions present there. . . . . . . . . . This shortcoming is the reason why the word 'model' is probably more appropriate than 'theory' for the Big Bang."
May I please kick off with the word Universe. I will plead my case, but please chip in if you want a plurality of universes, or alternate realities.
First I would like to quote some dictionaries and books on cosmology.
Oxford Dictionary of Astronomy Ian Ridpath OUP 2011.
"Universe Everything that exists, including space, time and matter. The study of the Universe is known as cosmology. Cosmologists distinguish between the Universe, with a capital U, meaning the cosmos and all its contents, and universe with a small u, which is usually a mathematical model derived from some physical theory. The real Universe consists mostly of apparently empty space, with matter concentrated into galaxies consisting of stars and gas. The Universe is expanding, so the space between galaxies is gradually stretching, causing a cosmological red shift in the light from distant objects. There is now strong evidence that space is filled with unseen dark matter that may have many times the mass of the visible galaxies; and even more mass may be accounted for by a still-mysterious dark energy. The most favoured concept of the origin of the Universe is the "Big Bang Theory [BBT], according to which the Universe came into being in a hot, dense fireball 13.7 billion years ago."
The Icon Critical Dictionary of The New Cosmology Ed Peter Coles Icon Books 1998.
Universe The entirety of all that exists. The Greek word cosmos, the root of cosmology, means the same; cosmology is the study of the Universe. This definition seems relatively straightforward, but there are some confusing subtleties, and linguistic confusion. For example, what do we mean by exist?
There are over two ages elaborating. I would summarise, that there is the view of science that only that which can be observed qualifies as Universe. "For some scientists what really exists is the laws of physics; our Universe is merely a consequence, or an outcome of these laws. . . . . . . . . . But do these laws exist, or did we invent them? Is mathematics an intrinsic property of the world, or is it simply a human invention that helps us to describe that world, in much the same way as a language? . . . . . . . . . If the Universe is the entirety of all that exists, then our model universe cannot be embedded in anything. What is outside the Universe must be something that does not exist. It does not therefore make any sense to think of there being anything outside the Universe."
Universe: The Definitive Visual Guide Ed. Martin Rees DK 2012
"The Universe is all of existence - all of space and time and all the matter and energy within it. . . . . . . . . . The Universe encompasses everything from the smallest atom to the largest galaxy cluster, and yet it seems that all are governed by the same basic laws.
Note: In the more specialised texts on cosmology, it is perhaps understandably more difficult to find definitions of Universe. It is taken for granted, unless stated to the contrary, that the accepted definitions, such as the above, apply. Any mentions of "other universes" will be documented.
Bang! The Complete History of the Universe. Brian May Patrick Moore Chris Lintott
Carlton Books 2006.
"Everything, space, time and matter, came into existence with a 'Big Bang' around 13.7 billion years
ago. The Universe then was a strange place - as alien as it could possibly be. . . . . . . . . . how big is the Universe? Either the Universe is of finite size or it isn't. If finite, what lies outside it? The question is meaningless - space itself exists only within the Universe, and literally there is therefore no 'outside'. On the other hand, to say the Universe is infinite is really to say that its size is not definable.
Cosmology A Very Short Introduction Peter Coles OUP 2001
"The word cosmology itself is derived from the Greek cosmos meaning the world as an ordered system or whole. The emphasis is just as much on order as on wholeness, for in Greek the opposite of cosmos is chaos. . . . . . . . . . The advent of mathematical reasoning, and the idea that one can learn about the physical world using logic and reason marked the beginning of the scientific era."
"In the modern era of cosmology . . . . . . began with a complete rewrite of the laws of Nature. (Einstein) demolished Newton's conception of space and time . . . . . . great works by Friedman, Lemaitre, and de Sitter formulated a new and complex language for the mathematical description of the Universe." Einstein's theory plays a fundamental conceptual role in modern cosmology. Hubble's observation of galaxies led to the observation that the Universe is expanding, and Penzias and Wilson discovered the cosmic microwave background (CMB) considered by many as proof that the Universe began with the Big Bang. Whilst accepted by most cosmologists "as being essentially correct, as far as it goes . . . . . . it is important to realise that the Big Bang is not complete. "For one thing, Einstein's theory itself breaks down at the very beginning of the Universe. The Big Bang is an example of what relativity theorists call a singularity, a point where the mathematics fall to pieces and measurable quantities become infinite. While we know how the Universe is expected to evolve from a given stage, the singularity makes it impossible to know from first principles what the Universe should look like in the beginning. . . . . . . . . . Most cosmologists interpret the Big Bang singularity in much the same way as the Black Hole singularity . . . i.e., as meaning that Einstein's equations break down at some point in the early Universe due to the extreme physical conditions present there. . . . . . . . . . This shortcoming is the reason why the word 'model' is probably more appropriate than 'theory' for the Big Bang."
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