We(human beings) come with nothing. We must hunt and consume resources and materials and manufacture tools and structures to exist. And to make life even partly comfortable we must convert materials into needed products at high in-efficiencies.....usually with heat. This has given us a modern life.....via electricity.
Lucky for us, this planet can take our waste and recycle it into the resources we need. And we are not alone in this process, all life forms have and need this dynamic.
All lifeforms consume and deplete the environment around them. They also excrete waste. Life also consumes energy, converts it and excretes it. And comparing other energy densities, life has energy density much higher than dead matter......thru-out the universe.
What's the chances of you finding such an environment? Another world like that?
What's the chances of A.I. Terra-forming such an environment with stability or balance?
I believe from what I have read that we have plenty of resources for hundreds of years. And for this climate worry, we will know within ten years if these CO2 theories and predictions are true.
We should realize by now that yearly increases in CO2 is going to be a reality. Only great war or great disease/famine can prevent it.
And with our current climate predictions, we haven't the needed time or resources to colonize anything.
It would be easier to colonize Greenland or Antarctica than Mars. Both have valuable resources. It would be easier to farm under a mile of ice, than farming on Mars. We could do that.