It always seemed apparent to me that the words uttered at that point were "feelin' the heat." It is also quite apparent to me that it was an interrupted transmission, we are only hearing part of it. I think Husband was well aware that things were not as they should have been by this time, and was devoting virtually all his attention to his instruments. This plus the com dropouts explains, I believe, why we heard so little from him during this period. <br /><br />It is well to note that there was a considerable interval between the explosion on Apollo 13 and the call down from the spacecraft (initally by Swigert I believe), "Okay, Houston, we've had a problem here." I estimate at least 30 seconds from the flight loops (it's actually at least 2 minutes between the time the capcom makes the request for the cryo stir and the call down) . When you have a problem onboard, you focus on it and how you can deal with it, not on talking to the ground about it. Husband knew exactly what he could do and what he couldn't do about what was happening. I have no doubt that he remained calm, highly focused, and hopeful.