Question Anti-Gravity - Force exists??

Nov 19, 2020
Trying to develop a paper on Gravity, I'm stuck to explain the following. If anyone can help, or use a better imagination than I've been given, please do.

When a rocket lifts off, we have a sense of time being a worry for the rocket's wellbeing. When it returns, time is replaced by it's location and moving about before it lands. Obviously a rocket moving sideways during liftoff will require a lot more energy to successfully lift off, but given it would be unadvisable to enact a lift off the moment is is pushed into place, it seems that scientifically there is a time allowed for the mass to settle before it lifts off.

Is there a particluar principle for this I can study? It seems that a worry would began to form if the rocket stays on the platform too long and that moving it would alieve that worry.

I am basing my hypothesis on the existance of anti-gravity which is a proportion of the gravity of an object subject to it's motion in terms of orbiting speed and rotation, which is bias to time-field, whereas normal gravity is bias to space field.

Think crystals growing upwards in caves, where they are motionless over a long time, or sleep crusting upwards in your eyes after sleeping motionless on your back for some time.

I'm thinking this is something we have built in to our nature rather than gained through particular academic study,


"Don't criticize what you can't understand..."
Apr 5, 2020
When a rocket lifts off, we have a sense of time being a worry for the rocket's wellbeing. When it returns, time is replaced by it's location and moving about before it lands. Obviously a rocket moving sideways during liftoff will require a lot more energy to successfully lift off, but given it would be unadvisable to enact a lift off the moment is is pushed into place, it seems that scientifically there is a time allowed for the mass to settle before it lifts off.
I don't exactly understand what you mean by that.

But the answer to your question if antigravity exists or not, depends on your definition of it. If you define antigravity as something that zeroes down gravity and nullifies its effect, go and take a flight to the International Space Station and you will see for yourself. But, if you define antigravity as something opposite of gravity, something that repulses instead of attraction, then take a look at General Relativity, if you have negative mass, you have antigravity.
Apr 19, 2021
but given it would be unadvisable to enact a lift off the moment is is pushed into place, it seems that scientifically there is a time allowed for the mass to settle before it lifts off.
If I understand this portion of your assignment, to comprehend the problem you only have to image following:

What would happen if in the middle of the rocket lifting off, you turn off rocket engines?

It would take some time (small amount) until the rocket start to go down right?, the rocket would not instantly start to fall because of the existing centrifugal force that is pushing your rocket forward.

That's probably what "there is a time allowed for the mass to settle before it lifts off" means, however in opposite direction (favoring anti-gravity)

It seems that a worry would began to form if the rocket stays on the platform too long and that moving it would alieve that worry.
The answer seems to be right inside the question :)
Obviously a rocket moving sideways during liftoff will require a lot more energy to successfully lift off
Obviously because in doing so the trajectory of the rocket would be longer vs launching it straight up, which would cumulatively increase the amount of gravity that the thrust has to deal with, not only that but the time for lift off would be longer, which contributes to the "worrying time" part.

is not clear to me what means "if the rocket stays on the platform too long"?

by launching straight up there is less gravity to deal with, and this if calculated, results in amount of gravity for which thrust wasn't required.

I don't know if this should be called "anti-gravity", but it definitely works against gravity because less fuel is wasted.

In any case anti gravity does not mean working against gravity (ex. negative gravity) but rather absence of gravity, which perfectly fits into this trajectory length and time involved for lift off.


Make sure you do not use this as an answer because I'm not 100% certain what your assignment requires you to solve.
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Nov 19, 2020
Thanks for the replies.
Thinking around General Relativity. Nothing is truly at rest nor completely in motion.
I am drawn to the notion of a man jumping finds it slightly easier than landing. Also, time and space fields, that by jumping we are moving more so in time relative, and landing is more space relative.
As such, trying to ultimately prove there is a anti-grav force on Earth as well as any gravity inducing mass, which forms dependant on how much it is not at rest, e.g its' rotation or orbit.
I am basing my 'guess' on this and the fact crystals can grow upwards in deep caves and that 'sleep' forms around the eyes when sleeping on your back.
As Feynman said it is just a guess until experiment can prove it one way or the other, an experiment is my goal, if just to see if it can be seen as something else looked at another way, or something unique.
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
"I am basing my 'guess' on this and the fact crystals can grow upwards in deep caves" My emphasis.

"A stalagmite is a type of rock formation that rises from the floor of a cave due to the accumulation of material deposited on the floor from ceiling drippings."
(Google). My emphasis.

Great Guess! Anti-gravity - float me to the Moon!

Cat :)
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