Considering some more angles concerning our little moon friend...<br /><br />I am still trying to demonstrate ridge and spot don't have to have genesis in same process.<br /><br />All the major satellites of Saturn are 'tide locked' to Saturn. That is, they present one hemisphere continously towards Saturn, and the other away (Phoebe doesn't does this in case you were wondering). This also implies a leading and trailing hemisphere as the satellite revolves around Saturn. The 'forward' side on a few Saturn satellites show large craters (like Mimas and Tethys) where presumably, the satellite 'encountered' something in 'the way'.<br /><br />Iapetus has a 'stain' or 'spot' eerily centered on the leading hemisphere, with a pronounced symmetry north and south (apparently though modified by surface topography along boundary). Pretty clear 'spot' occured after 'tide lock' happened. Iapetus also has the 'ridge' structure crossing leading hemisphere, but, I hasten to add, there does seem to be some 'peaks' aligned with equator on side not yet photographed very well by Cassini.<br /><br />Tide locking phenomena is related to gravity strength of Saturn 'falling off' across diameter of object being 'tide locked'. This effect has been used to stabilize orientation of satellites in earth orbit so effect not peculiar to Saturn (magnetic trick also used in earth orbiting craft but not relevant to this discussion). Effect is related to distance from Saturn (becomes weaker with distance) and is believed to take an amount of time proportional to angular momentum of object being 'braked' and it's distance from Saturn (there is also an effect from the rigidity of the object which I am neglecting here to simplify discussion).<br /><br />Where this leads is, of all Saturn's tide locked satellites, it looks like Iapetus achieved tide lock last.<br /><br />Possibility exists, Iapetus was not in tide lock with Saturn during formation of ridge structure.<br /><br />Would this effect what we see?<br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#ff0000"><strong>TPTB went to Dallas and all I got was Plucked !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#339966"><strong>So many people, so few recipes !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>Let's clean up this stinkhole !!</strong></font> </p> </div>