><i>I read that NASA is considering an upgraded Shuttle SRB for launching the CEV. I definitely don't like this idea. </i><p>Until very recently I would have agreed with you wholeheartedly. However, after giving it some thought, I've come to appreciate the sheer brilliance of this idea. The SRB is man-rated, the only million-pound plus booster that currently has this designation. And it deserves it's man-rating, it is a soild (and therefore very simple), plus it has full redundancy for the main systems. With the payload and/or crew sitting on top of the booster, an escape system becomes much more feasible, probably the only failure mode that wouldn't be escapable would be an complete guidance failure directly off the pad.<p>Most importantly, it exists <b>now</b> and has a demonstrated reliability that is enviable - 224 launched with 1 failure.</p></p>