Quite right! I must pay more attention!Gibsense, we must, as always, watch the semantics.
A background can be construed as static, but we are discussing cosmic microwave radiation, which is not static.
Can a background be static when it is composed of radiation moving at the speed of light?
If we discussed the cosmic background radiation, would this ease matters between us?
Re Background. The radiation of the CMB is of course everywhere. Assuming the universe is spherical the photons are zipping around as they have been for around 13.8 billion years. Presumably many have decohered as they encountered matter
If this makes any sense it occurs to me as I type that some may encounter a virtual particle in the brief period of its existence. Presumably, that would mess up their annihilation procedure (?).
Back to the subject: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmological_principle
Scroll down and you get - The cosmic microwave background (CMB) provides a snapshot of a largely isotropic and homogeneous universe. The largest scale feature of the CMB is the dipole anisotropy; it is typically subtracted from maps due to its large amplitude. The standard interpretation of the dipole is that it is due to the Doppler effect caused by the motion of the solar system with respect to the CMB rest-frame.