ARTIFICAL REALITY: Greatest optical illusion known

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Your ARTIFICAL REALITY: <br /><br />Is the Greatest optical illusion known to modern man!!! <br /><br /><br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /><br /><br />PROOF OF GOD! <br />"Sir General" Facts of your ARTIFICAL REALITY<br />This physical reality or physical realm you live in is not as real as you think it is. It has been created for the benefit of giving you something to establish your existence upon. <br /><br />What you see with your eyes, is the Greatest optical illusion know to modern man.<br /><br />God went to a lot of trouble to create a physical world, when in fact there is none. This ARTIFICAL REALITY is now better understood then at any other time in human history.<br /><br />As we look at the world of the small, this world seems much different then first thought. Throw the eyes of physics and chemistry we now know what is real and what is not.<br /><br />The spirit realm maybe the only real reality that does exist. Or is that too a creation for the benefit of giving "them" something to establish "their" existence upon as well. <br /><br /><br />


Sqarerootof-1: <br /> Reality is an illusion? Oh please do explain this one; and what proof would you have that this is an illusion? <br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /><br />(1) The Atoms that make you and all you see.... are in fact 99.999999 % empty space. <br /><br />(2) Your eye is not able to see that 99.99999 % empty space. All that you see looks sold, full of matter, and not hollow. This is a optical illusion. Your eyes are tuned to only see the kind of light that must bounce off things, and not the kind that go straight throw. Electro-magnetic waves come in many frequencies. To your cell phone, the walls of your house are not even there, or almost nothing there.<br /><br />(3) The polarity force of the atoms are what give it the "Feel" of solidness. So even though it is 99.99999% empty, you still can't pass your hand throw the wall. Well, that is, YOU CAN'T.<br />


Tony, what you say is, in essence, true, but you have to be careful. The reality as we experience it is the result of beeing at a macroscopic level. The structures we see are real, but only when we look at a gigantic scale (gigantic compared to a quark).<br /><br />An example. Two swarm of bees are flying in opposites direction, heading one towards the other. They would not collide and they would pass thru each other as if nothing had happen (they are pacifics bees <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /> ).<br /><br />Now, have all the bees in the first swarm attached together with strings, do the same in the other swarm. Both swarms would collide as if they were solids objects.<br /><br />Can we consider those swarms to be real, physical, objects ? If you are as big as it, you would collide into it too, but if you were a fly, you wouldn't be aware of the swarms, only of each bee.<br /><br />Each object is composed of a myriad of particules attached together by some means (nuclear, chimical, electromagnetic). Nothing of this would exist for you if you were a quark.<br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


Since I can not see ResearcherTony and only have indirect evidence in the form of electrons (which I can't "see" either) emerging from my monitor (which has alot of empty space in it and therefore may not be "real" either), I have to conclude that ResearcherToney does not exist and is only a construct to encourage me to giggle uncontrollably. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1">I put on my robe and wizard hat...</font> </div>
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